HEALTH Protection

HEALTH Protection

Cod-liver oil in orange juice No “junk foods”; play outside; walk; daily use of Geritol; camphor on clothes; balanced meals

Sulfur and molasses in spring to clear the system

HEALTH Restoration

Back pain: mustard packs Colds: brandy with warm milk; honey and lemon juice; hot poultice on the chest; tea, whiskey, and lemon

Rashes: oatmeal baths Sore throat: Wrap raw potatoes in sack and tie around neck; soap and water enemas Warts: rub potato on wart, run outside, and throw it over left shoulder

German (United States), Catholic

HEALTH Maintenance

Good diet Take aspirin Take shots Wash before meals; change clothes often Wear rubbers; never go barefoot; long underwear and stockings

HEALTH Protection

Cod-liver oil Drink glass of water at meals Exercise No sweets at meals Plenty of milk Spring tonic; sulfured molasses

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