Board Queries

Board Queries


3 Decision Summaries

Decision entries are made with the Comp-XM Spreadsheet, which is similar to the Capstone Spreadsheet and the Foundation Spreadsheet. Please refer to your Capstone or Foundation Team Member Guide for general information.

All Comp-XM simulations utilize the Human Resources and TQM (Total Quality Management)/Sustainability modules. Decisions made in these modules can have wide ranging effects, including infl uencing product demand, R&D cycle times, productivity, material costs, labor costs and administrative costs.

TQM and Human Resource drive the Learning and Growth section of the Balanced Scorecard.

Human Resources decisions are made in two locations:

• The Workforce Complement is entered at the bottom of the Production area;

• Recruit Spend and Training decisions are made in the Human Resources area.

All TQM/Sustainability decisions are made in the TQM/ Sustainability area.

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