What would happen if prior relationship was eliminated as a decision-making factor in case processing?

What would happen if prior relationship was eliminated as a decision-making factor in case processing?

a. the courtroom workgroup would be liberated from shared understandings of seriousness and would be more likely to rely on extralegal factors in case processing decisions
b. case processing time would increase in second layer cases, but it would decrease in third layer cases
c. a large number of cases would move from the third to the second layer of the wedding cake thereby increasing the overall punitiveness of the justice system
d. the only cases that would be affected would be cases in the fourth layer, but due to such a large number of cases there is a risk that the system would be overburdened
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What would happen if prior relationship was eliminated as a decision-making factor in case processing?
What would happen if prior relationship was eliminated as a decision-making factor in case processing?

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