
Southside Community Services: Mrs. Bargas Case History

Southside Community Services: Mrs. Bargas Case History © 2018 Laureate Education, Inc. 1 Southside Community Services: Mrs. Bargas Case History Program Transcript [MUSIC PLAYING] LINDA FORTE: Hi, Mrs. Bargas, I’m Linda Forte, the social worker assigned to your case. It’s nice to meet you. So what brings you in, today? MRS. BARGAS: Well– I’ve been

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Determine whether the classification as child with intellectual disability appears appropriate

Determine whether the classification as child with intellectual disability appears appropriate   Jennie is 8 years old, the eldest of four children. She lives at home with her mother and siblings in Section 8 housing in a small midwestem city. Her father has been an infrequent part of their lives due to repeated convictions for

Determine whether the classification as child with intellectual disability appears appropriate Read More »

How will professional learning topics be evaluated for relevance and worthiness prior to being shared?

How will professional learning topics be evaluated for relevance and worthiness prior to being shared? The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate leadership within the professional learning process by creating systems to ensure sharing, collaboration, and reflective feedback. Research and design a system that uses technology for shared learning (or professional development) among school

How will professional learning topics be evaluated for relevance and worthiness prior to being shared? Read More »

Topic 4: Carelessly causing harm; Negligence and Negligent Misstatement

Topic 4: Carelessly causing harm; Negligence and Negligent Misstatement Commercial Law Overview of this topic: Carelessly causing harm to person or property; Carelessly causing financial harm   ‹#› Learning Outcomes: When will a person be legally responsible for carelessly harming the person or property of another? When will a person be legally responsible for carelessly

Topic 4: Carelessly causing harm; Negligence and Negligent Misstatement Read More »

Topic 9: Dealing with Consumers- General Protections

Topic 9: Dealing with Consumers- General Protections Commercial Law ‹#› 1 Overview of this topic: Australian Consumer Legislation Protecting consumers; and Dealing with consumers. ‹#› Learning Outcomes: Why do consumers deserve additional legal protection? When marketing and selling to consumers, what kinds of conduct are prohibited? ‹#› Reading materials Chapter 11 (pages 343-361) of Nickolas

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Topic 7: Contract Law: Capacity, Legality, Consent

Topic 7: Contract Law: Capacity, Legality, Consent Commercial Law ‹#› 1 Overview of this topic: Formalities; Capacities to contract; Illegality; Privity Of Contract; Unenforceable contracts: lack of consent ‹#› Learning Outcomes: Do contracts always have to be in writing and signed? Can a child form a contract? What about someone who is intellectually disabled, mentally

Topic 7: Contract Law: Capacity, Legality, Consent Read More »

Keywords: Crime news, data analytics, OLAP, text mining, data warehouse Introduction

Keywords: Crime news, data analytics, OLAP, text mining, data warehouse Introduction Crime can reflect the social problems and should be prevented or decreased for the good of living of people and tourists in the areas. Typically, crime information is daily presented on the website and read by millions of audience worldwide. Unfortunately, this information is

Keywords: Crime news, data analytics, OLAP, text mining, data warehouse Introduction Read More »

Topic 6: Contract Law: Terms of a Contract and Non-contractual Representations

Topic 6: Contract Law: Terms of a Contract and Non-contractual Representations Commercial Law Overview of this topic: Express terms Representations and promises Terms implied by the court Implied Terms and Statutory terms Unenforceable terms ‹#› Learning Outcomes: What is a ‘term of the contract’? What is the effect of a term being included in a

Topic 6: Contract Law: Terms of a Contract and Non-contractual Representations Read More »