What Is Comp-XM?

What Is Comp-XM?

Comp-XM is familiar, yet different from your experience in Capstone or Foundation. You are the CEO. You will be making decisions on your own; you will not be a member of a team. Like Capstone or Foundation, Comp-XM uses a spreadsheet and a web interface. “6 Website Instructions” discusses the mechanics.

There are two parts to Comp-XM: A four-round simulation, and a series of web-based quizzes called Board Queries. Board Queries are questions posed by your Board of Directors. They are drawn from the unique results of your simulation. You could appear before the Board up to fi ve times to answer their questions about your company.

Comp-XM Inquirer and Industry Conditions All the information needed to answer the questions appears within the pages of The Comp-XM Inquirer, an industry newsletter that is similar to The Capstone Courier or The Foundation FastTrack. “4 Industry Conditions Report” summarizes the current state of the biometric market

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