Strategic Management
HR Strategy II: Strategic Management
Fall 2018
Instructor: Rebecca Kehoe
Office: 211 Janice H. Levin Building
Email: kehoe@smlr.rutgers.edu
Office Phone: 848-445-5442
Office Hours: By appointment
Course Overview
How do some firms gain sustainable competitive advantage over industry rivals while others
struggle to simply survive? How do factors such as a firm’s internal and external environment
impact their selection and implementation of strategy? How do new firms effectively plan and
execute strategies that will enable them to successfully compete against established firms? How
do some firms align activities in a manner that supports their chosen strategies while others seem
to frequently struggle with issues of alignment? These are some examples of the types of
questions we will seek to answer in our study of strategic management. The course attempts to
encourage an integrated, cross-functional perspective to develop analytical and decision making
skills needed to cope with organizational uncertainties and business realities. To achieve these
objectives, a balance of theory and practice will be applied in the form of textbook readings and
discussions mixed in with real life business examples and cases.
Course Requirements and Grading
Your grade for this course will depend on your performance across several different activities. In
addition to scoring well on exams, successful performance requires that you complete assigned
readings, participate in class and case discussions and exercises, and perform well on case
analyses and class presentations. Final course grades will be computed as follows:
89.5 to 100 A
86.5-89.49 B+
79.5-86.49 B
76.5-79.49 C+
69.5-76.49 C
Below 69.5 F
Individual Participation 15%
Individual Case Analysis 15%
Team Case Presentations 20%
Team Project (Part 1: 10%; Part 2: 15%) 25%
In-class Exam 25%
Total 100%