Revising for Vigor and Directness
2/21/18, 11:19 AMAplia: Student Question

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3. Revising for Vigor and Directness
To make your business messages more effective, revise for vigor and directness. You can strengthen your writing by unburying verbs, controlling
exuberance, and choosing precise words.
Which of the sentences contain buried verbs? Check all that apply.
The buried verb phrase engage in evaluation can be revised to .
Overuse of intensifiers sounds unprofessional. Which one of the following sentences best controls exuberance?
Clear writing uses specific verbs, concrete nouns, and vivid adjectives. It avoids vague pronouns.
Complete the sentence with the choices that best avoid sloppy reference.
won handily.
Read the following selection, and answer the question.
They were totally excited to be getting a new system. It would allow them to conduct a remote discussion of the budget with the group.
The team reached an agreement that this was absolutely going to create an increase in productivity.
Which of the following is the most direct and professional revision of the last sentence?
The entire team prepared the proposal Paul submitted on Wednesday.
Give consideration to the economic climate.
Please analyze last month’s sales trends.
The new filing system will increase efficiency.
I am definitely certain that he will absolutely love the gift.
I am certain he will like the gift.
The production team agreed the new system would create an increase in productivity.
The team absolutely agreed the new system would increase productivity.
The production team agreed the new system would increase productivity.
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