


I agree with my preceptor giving the patient the three probable diagnoses as the patient’s presentation meets the criterias. What I would do differently if I were to conduct this interview again is to explore the specific opioid patient was taking, the dosage and prescription timeline. Opiod use or withdrawal can trigger anxiety disorders, thus obtaining more information about the history of the Opioid use can be helpful in the case formulation. I would follow up on the results of the screening tools and modify treatment intervention if needed. I believe further evaluations are needed to determine the following; if patients symptoms are genetically vs chemically induced; to r/o bipolar disorder w/ manic episode ( possibly trigerred by his divorce) and alcohol consumption use disorder. I would assess if he has children, their age, and working status to establish the presence of family support. Nevertheless, the provision of individualized and culturally sensitive care has been demonstrated to improve treatment outcomes and client satisfaction.

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