Questions to Spur the Development of Survivorology

Questions to Spur the Development of Survivorology

Questions to Spur the Development of Survivorology
Questions to Spur the Development of Survivorology

How can the concept of “survivor” be operationalized so that it is not too restrictive and yet not too inclusive?

What is resilience, and how can it be measured as a matter of degree?

What is recovery, and how can it be measured as a matter of degree?

Which groups of victims (such as those who have endured repeated beatings, childhood sexual abuse, rapes, shootings, or the loss of a loved one who died violently) have the most success—and the most difficulty—recovering from their ordeals?

Which groups of victims show the most resilience in terms of characteristics such as age, sex, race and ethnicity, education, income, and occupation?

What forms of social support (such as strong family ties, close bonds with friends, financial reimbursement, gov- ernment programs, individual and group counseling, and camaraderie from a self-help group) improve the prospects for as well as the rate of recovery?

What aspects of an individual’s character and which personality traits foster resiliency and recovery?

What can crime victims learn about resiliency and recovery from the travails of individuals who endured devastating losses due to political oppression, natural disasters, life-threatening illnesses, and other near- death experiences—and vice-versa.


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Victimologists carry out studies that seek to identify, define, and describe all the ways that illegal activities harm targeted individuals; to measure the seriousness of the problem; to discover how victims’

cases are actually handled by the legal system; and to test research hypotheses (for example, about bystanders or survivors) to see if they are supported by the available evidence.

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