Mental Status Examination:

Mental Status Examination:

R.H is a 46-year-old African American female who appeared appropriately dressed. She was calm, attentive and intermittently avoided eye contact. She did not reveal signs of psychomotor retardation but had a crying episode during the interview. The speech was coherent, fluent, and normal in rate, rhythm, and articulation. Language skills were average. The mood was depressed, affect was anxious and irritable. Orientation to self, place and time was accurate. She was appropriately oriented to the right time, place, and person. Her thought process was normal, with no signs of delusions. The patient showed some lack of insight into her present condition and impaired judgment. Her recent and remote memory were slightly impaired. She reported hearing noncommanding auditory hallucination sometimes but denied visual hallucination, self harm, suicidal and homicidal thoughts.

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