Learning Objectives

After reading this chapter, students should:

1. Identify the six different main categories of crime.

2. Identify the publication in which the FBI reports crime data, and list the two main ways in which the data are reported.

3. Distinguish between the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) and self-reported surveys.

4. Discuss the prevailing explanation for the rising number of women being incarcerated in the United States.

5. Discuss the difference between a hypothesis and a theory in the context of criminology.

6. Explain how brain-scanning technology is able to help scientists determine if an individual is at risk for criminal offending.

7. Describe the importance of early childhood behavior for those who subscribe to self-control theory.

8. Explain the routine activities theory of victimization.

9. Discuss the connection between learning process and the start of an individual’s drug use.

Lesson Plan

Correlated to PowerPoints

I. Types of Crime

Learning Objective 1: Identify the six different main categories of crime.

A. American Criminal Law focuses on six categories of misconduct

i. Violent Crime

a. Crimes against persons, which dominate our perspectives about crime

b. Four general categories

1. Murder

2. Sexual Assault

3. Assault and Battery

4. Robbery

c. These acts are further classified by degree, depending on the circumstances surrounding the criminal act

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