Intersections of HEALTH, HEALING, and RELIGION

Intersections of HEALTH, HEALING, and RELIGION

There are several areas in which there is an intersection of HEALTH, HEALING, and RELIGION. The following are examples of additional spiritual/religious fac- tors that link with the myriad of facets that have been described earlier in this chapter and in Chapter 5. One’s religious affiliation may be seen as providing many links in a complex chain of life events. Religious affiliation frequently pro- vides a background for a person regarding HEALTHY behavior and contributes to HEALTH. Participation in religious practices provides social support and this in turn brings HEALTH. In addition, religious worship may create positive emo- tions; this, too, contributes to HEALTH. Table 6–9 illustrates several of these intersections, which must be known by health care providers.

This chapter has been no more than an overview of the topics introduced. The amount of relevant knowledge could fill many books. The issues raised here are those that have special meaning to the practice of nursing, medicine, and health care delivery. We must be aware (1) of what people are thinking that may differ from our own thoughts and (2) that sources of help exist outside the modern medical community. As the beliefs of ethnic communities are explored in later chapters, the text discussions will attempt to delineate who are specifi- cally recognized and used as HEALERS by the members of the communities, and will describe some of the forms of treatment used by each community.

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Figure 6-11 Mask.

Figure 6-13 Jade stone.

Figure 6-15 Forever Hollywood— Johnny Ramone.

Figure 6-16 Valley of the Temples— Food at grave Honolulu, Hawaii.

Figure 6-14 Ghost money.

Figure 6-12 Candle.

HEALING Traditions ■ 155

Table 6–9 Areas of Intersection Between the Provision of Health Care and HEALTH, HEALING, and RELIGION

Communication Spirituality and religion begin in silence; however, the need for adequate interpreters has been addressed, but it is also imperative to have available to people the members and leaders of their faith community who can reach out and interpret what is happening in regard to a health crisis at a deeper and spiritual level for the patient and family.

Gender Understand the “rules” for gender care; in many faith traditions— for example, among Orthodox Jews and Muslims—care must be gender-specific, and people may be forbidden to be touched by someone of the opposite gender.

Manners Religious and elderly people may be extremely sensitive as to the manner in which they are addressed—never call a person by their given name unless given permission to do so.

Modesty Religious and elderly people may be extremely modest and modesty must be safe-guarded at all times.

Diet There are many food taboos predicated by one’s religion and consideration must be given to see that improper foods are not served to patients.

Objects Sacred objects, such as amulets and statues, must be allowed in the patient’s space and all precautions must be observed to safeguard them and when a person wears an amulet, every effort must be made to protect this amulet and permit the patient to wear it.

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