
Pros and cons of mandatory continuing nursing education

Pros and cons of mandatory continuing nursing education Karen DeFilippis, Idalmis Espinosa Lasharia Graham, Ijeoma Igbokwe Karan Kortlander, Jessica McGillen October 01, 2017 objectives Discuss the pros and cons of continuing education in nursing in the following areas: Impact on competency. Impact on knowledge and attitudes. Relationship to professional certification. Relationship to ANA Scope and […]

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Explanation of the Christian view of the nature of human persons and the theory of moral status that it is compatible is clear, thorough, and explained with a deep understanding of the connection between them

Explanation of the Christian view of the nature of human persons and the theory of moral status that it is compatible is clear, thorough, and explained with a deep understanding of the connection between them Rubric   Explanation of the Christian view of the nature of human persons and the theory of moral status that

Explanation of the Christian view of the nature of human persons and the theory of moral status that it is compatible is clear, thorough, and explained with a deep understanding of the connection between them Read More »


Education   · Provide with nutrition/dietary information. · To avoid GI side effects, take the Metformin with foods. · Instruction about medication intake compliance. · Avoid drinking alcohol: Alcohol has a negative interaction with Metformin and contribute to hyperglycemia. · Education of possible complications of Diabetes such as stroke, heart attack, and other problems. ·

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Objective Data:

Objective Data: VITAL SIGNS and Lab valuesTemperature: 97.5 °F, Pulse: 84, BP: 142/82 mmhg, RR 20, PO2-98% on room air, Ht- fill, Wt fill lb, BMI 37.2. No report pain 0/10. HbA1C 9.5 %. Serum creatinine 1.2 mg/dl, add more     GENERAL APPREARANCE: The patient is alert and oriented x 3. No acute distress

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Review of Systems

Review of Systems (ROS) CONSTITUTIONAL: Denies fever or chills. Denies weakness or weight loss. NEUROLOGIC: Headache and dizziness as describe above. Denies changes in LOC. Denies history of tremors or seizures. HEENT: HEAD: Denies any head injury, or change in LOC. Eyes: Denies any changes in vision, diplopia or blurred vision. Ear: Denies pain in

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