What patterns of group behavior did you observe that may have been influenced by the setting?

Reflection Report

Write a 525- to 700-word report about your observation. Include the following information:

1) Setting

  • Describe the setting for your observation, including the location, time of day (morning, midday, afternoon, evening), and weather.

2) Group Dynamics

  • What patterns of group behavior did you observe that may have been influenced by the setting?
  • What patterns of group behavior did you observe based on gender/sex?
  • What patterns of group behavior did you observe based on race/ethnicity?
  • What patterns of group behavior did you observe based on age?
  • Which cultural norms did you observe among your participants? Explain your answer in several sentences using at least one example.
  • What did you observe overall about the group dynamics of your participants? Explain your answer in several sentences using at least one example.
  • What social or economic factors might have influenced the group dynamics you observed? Explain your answer in several sentences.

3) Real-World Applications

  • Consider how you could use a participant observation exercise in the future to study patterns in other social groups, such as with families, coworkers, or other organizations.
  • Explain how observing social patterns could help your interactions in a group. Give at least one reason why improving your understanding of group dynamics can help you to succeed in culturally diverse environments.

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