What jurisdictions did the court systems have?


What jurisdictions did the court systems have?

CJ 112 Module Four Assignment Template


Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information.


Functions and Processes Related to Sanctuary Cities


Law Enforcement Courts
What They Do [Insert text.] [Insert text.]
Jurisdictional Issues [Insert text.] [Insert text.]



Describe how the U.S. law enforcement and court systems function together.

[Insert text.]

Include at least one dysfunction or challenge area.

[Insert text.]


Follow-Up Questions


Answer the questions below in two to five sentences in order to elaborate on the process represented in the graphic organizer above. Use examples from the article provided in the Module Four Assignment Guidelines and Rubric to support your responses.


In what ways did law enforcement and the court systems work together throughout the process in the article? Consider all steps of the process, from when an arrest is initially made to when a determination is made.

[Insert text.]


What jurisdictions did the court systems have? How did this inform the process and result?

[Insert text.]


Describe how the court system functioned in order to arrive at a decision in this case. What is the function of the court system, and what were the process steps that the court system followed?

[Insert text.]



[Include any references in APA format.]

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