What Is Victimology?

What Is Victimology?

CHAPTER OUTLINE Focusing on the Plight of Crime Victims

Studying Victimization Scientifically

Why Objectivity Is Desirable

Sometimes It Is Difficult to Distinguish Victims from Villains

Criminals Can Be Victims Too Victims Can Find Themselves at Odds with the

“Good Guys” Sources of Bias that Thwart Objectivity

Victimology’s Undeserved “Bad Reputation” Why Emphasize Research?

Comparing Victimology to Criminology

The Many Parallels between Criminology and Victimology

Some Differences and Issues about Boundaries Interfacing with Other Disciplines Divisions within the Discipline

What Victimologists Do

Step 1: Identify, Define, and Describe the Problem Step 2: Measure the True Dimensions of the Problem Step 3: Investigate How Victims Are Handled Step 4: Gather Evidence to Test Hypotheses

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What Is Victimology?
What Is Victimology?

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