What is the Pain Scale from 1 to 10

What is the Pain Scale from 1 to 10 (Clarified to Can you rate your current pain level on a scale of 0 to 10?.)

It’s just my neck that hurts right now. . . I guess I’d say it’s a 3 out of 10. (Clarified to how I would rate my pain on a scale.)

Are you wearing a seatbelt

Yes, I always do.

Can you tell me how fast you were going (Clarified to How fast were you going?.)

Oh, it was really slow. We were in a parking lot. Maybe not even fifteen miles an hour. (Clarified to how fast I was going.)

Do you have any sweating

I don’t get sweaty, but sometimes I wake up hot and have to kick off my sheets.

Is your neck swollen

Yeah. It’s kind of hard to tell but I had a hard time buttoning one of my shirts last week. I think the swelling has gone down a little bit, though.

Did you lose consciousness


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Do you feel tired or wheat

No, not really.

Do you have any fevers or chills

No, neither of those. [AUDIO COMING SOON]

Do you have any vision changes

Well, no, my vision hasn’t changed recently — not since the accident. But sometimes my vision gets blurry when I do a lot of reading… that’s been going on for awhile.

Do you have trouble hearing

My hearing is fine.

Do you feel faint


Do you hear ringing of your ears

No, I don’t think so.

Talking to you using pain medication

I’ve been taking Tylenol.

What is your dosage of Tylenol (Clarified to What is the dose of Tylenol?.)

I’m not sure the actual dosage, but I generally take 2 regular strength pills. (Clarified to what dose of Tylenol I take.)

How often are you taking Tylenol

I’ve been taking it every day since I started getting these headaches.

Does it help with the pain (Clarified to Does the pain medication alleviate the pain?.)

Yeah, it has been helping some. (Clarified to if the pain medication helps.)

Do you have difficult range of motion (Clarified to Are you having difficulty moving your neck?.)

I can move my neck fine, but it hurts when I do. (Clarified to if I have a hard time moving my neck.)

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