What are the independent and dependent variables?

What are the independent and dependent variables?

Independent Variable: Dissolved oxygen concentration.

Dependent Variable: The number of fish.


5. What would be your control?

Possible Control: Aquarium with no fish. Measure the dissolved oxygen level in a fish tank at normal room conditions, and repeat this measurement every time you make an observation of the number of fish. [Use only one type of fish for your experiment, and control other variables such as light, food and temperature.]


6. What type of graph would be appropriate for this data set? Why?

A line graph is most appropriate because it can best display the relationship between the variables.


7. Graph the data from Table 4: Water Quality vs. Fish Population (found at the beginning of this exercise).



8. Interpret the data from the graph made in Question 7.

The number of fish in the body of water increases along with dissolved oxygen up to about 12 ppm. When the concentration is higher than 12 ppm, the relationship is less clear. There may be an ideal dissolved oxygen concentration that supports the greatest number of fish, but that conclusion would require further testing.


Experiment 2: Experimental Variables (2 pts each part, 8 total/question)

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What are the independent and dependent variables?
What are the independent and dependent variables?

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