Traditional format income statements are prepared primarily for external reporting purposes. 

Traditional format income statements are prepared primarily for external reporting purposes. 

Review Questions T/F






Review Questions T/F

2. In a contribution format income statement, sales minus cost of goods sold equals the gross margin.

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Review Questions T/F

3. In a traditional format income statement for a merchandising company, the cost of goods sold reports the product costs attached to the merchandise sold during the period.

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Review Questions T/F

4.Contribution format income statement is useful for external reporting purposes, it has serious limitations when used for internal purposes because it does not distinguish between fixed and variable costs.



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Review Questions T/F

5. In a contribution format income statement for a merchandising company, cost of goods sold is a variable cost that gets included in the “Variable expenses” portion of the income statement.



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Review Questions T/F

6. The traditional format income statement is used as an internal planning and decision-making tool. Its emphasis on cost behavior aids cost-volume-profit analysis, management performance appraisals, and budgeting.


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Review Questions M/C

7.When finished goods are sold, there is an increase in which of the following accounts?

A- Finished Goods Inventory

B- Cost of Goods Sold

C- Work-in-Process Inventory

D- Cost of Goods Manufactured

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