Three Assignments for Paper 1


Three Assignments for Paper 1

There is a Quiz to take.


First, you will write and turn in a one-sentence thesis sentence, which is the main idea of Paper 1.

Second, you will write a five-paragraph paper.

Third, you will complete a reflection or a self-evaluation.


6. Paper 1 Preparation
6.13. Methods of Development




Cue Words

Graphical Organizer/Sample Passages

Description The author describes a topic by listing characteristics, features, and examples


for example, char- acteristics are Description with example is the combined method of development for your Paper 1.
Sequence The author lists items or events in numerical or chronological order. first, second, third; next; then; finally; later; in the morning,
Comparison The author explains how two or more things are alike and/or how they are different. different; in contrast; alike; same as; on the other hand; similarly; as opposed to Comparison and contrast is analysis, the method of development for the third segment of Paper 3.
Cause and Effect The author lists one or more causes and the resulting effect or effects. reasons why; if…then; as a result; therefore; because; as a consequence Cause and effect is analysis, and it is          the assigned method of development for the second segment of P. 2.
Problem and Solution





Argumentation: Pro-con-take a position

The author states a problem and lists one or more solutions for the problem. A variation of this pattern is the question- and-answer format in which the author poses a question and then answers it.


The author states a position, argues for and then against it.

problem is; dilemma is; puzzle is solved; question… answer




On the other hand; so; therefore; consequently; thus;







Argumentation: Pro-con-take a position is synthesis, the method of development for the fourth segment of P. 4.

Why exposition?

Let’s think about the type of writing that most of us encounter in our daily lives. When you pick up and read a non-fiction book, magazines, or newspaper article, the author uses expository writing to inform you, the reader, about the topic. At school, students are required to submit school exams and research papers as a means for their teachers to grade their progress. Finally, at work, people are required to produce business reports and memorandums to inform their superiors and co-workers about the occurrences that take place at other levels of the company. In addition, oral exposition is primarily observed in oral academic presentations, business talks, and speeches that are delivered to a group of people. As each of these different cases illustrate, expository writing and speech surround us in our everyday lives. The primary intent here will be to help move students closer to mastering the hows, whens, and wheres to select different oral and written expository styles for a variety of real world contexts.  Formal exposition is a variation that requires formal tone, so there are no personal references (such as I and you), no contractions (such as I’m or you’re; can’t or didn’t; weren’t or wasn’t), no references to yourself or to me.


Students will greatly benefit from understanding the varying types of oral and writing styles they can use for academic and workplace activities.

6. Paper 1 Preparation

There is a Quiz to take.


First, you will write and turn in a one-sentence thesis sentence, which is the main idea of Paper 1.

Second, you will write a five-paragraph paper.

Third, you will complete a reflection or a self-evaluation.


6. Paper 1 Preparation
6.13. Methods of Development




Cue Words

Graphical Organizer/Sample Passages

Description The author describes a topic by listing characteristics, features, and examples


for example, char- acteristics are Description with example is the combined method of development for your Paper 1.
Sequence The author lists items or events in numerical or chronological order. first, second, third; next; then; finally; later; in the morning,
Comparison The author explains how two or more things are alike and/or how they are different. different; in contrast; alike; same as; on the other hand; similarly; as opposed to Comparison and contrast is analysis, the method of development for the third segment of Paper 3.
Cause and Effect The author lists one or more causes and the resulting effect or effects. reasons why; if…then; as a result; therefore; because; as a consequence Cause and effect is analysis, and it is          the assigned method of development for the second segment of P. 2.
Problem and Solution





Argumentation: Pro-con-take a position

The author states a problem and lists one or more solutions for the problem. A variation of this pattern is the question- and-answer format in which the author poses a question and then answers it.


The author states a position, argues for and then against it.

problem is; dilemma is; puzzle is solved; question… answer




On the other hand; so; therefore; consequently; thus;







Argumentation: Pro-con-take a position is synthesis, the method of development for the fourth segment of P. 4.

Why exposition?

Let’s think about the type of writing that most of us encounter in our daily lives. When you pick up and read a non-fiction book, magazines, or newspaper article, the author uses expository writing to inform you, the reader, about the topic. At school, students are required to submit school exams and research papers as a means for their teachers to grade their progress. Finally, at work, people are required to produce business reports and memorandums to inform their superiors and co-workers about the occurrences that take place at other levels of the company. In addition, oral exposition is primarily observed in oral academic presentations, business talks, and speeches that are delivered to a group of people. As each of these different cases illustrate, expository writing and speech surround us in our everyday lives. The primary intent here will be to help move students closer to mastering the hows, whens, and wheres to select different oral and written expository styles for a variety of real world contexts.  Formal exposition is a variation that requires formal tone, so there are no personal references (such as I and you), no contractions (such as I’m or you’re; can’t or didn’t; weren’t or wasn’t), no references to yourself or to me.


Students will greatly benefit from understanding the varying types of oral and writing styles they can use for academic and workplace activities.

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