The Three 20-sentence Paragraphs of the Body of Paper 1

The Three 20-sentence Paragraphs of the Body of Paper 1


Remember: each time you indent five spaces you are indicating that a new paragraph starts. The three elements of your opening paragraph should be in one paragraph, your first.

The three body paragraphs should be about 20 sentences each.  They are developed by examples with description. They may be longer paragraphs, if necessary.

The opening and closing paragraphs are to be about five sentences each.

First,  in the first 20-sentence paragraph of the body of the paper (II), using examples with descriptions, explain what the American dream is in general terms (but be prepared to relate your description to the novel in the second body paragraph). Note that your mode of order for Paper 1 is General to Specific. You are starting with the general idea of the American dream, but you later in Paper 1 apply it specifically to the novel in general terms and then more specifically to characters in the novel.

Use the word “First,” (use a comma) to start this paragraph (II), which will be the second paragraph of your paper, but the first paragraph of the body of the paper. You will need to do a bit of research to develop the idea of the American dream.  Look at the essays in Modules for information about the American dream.  Feel free to do so.                                                                                                          20 sentences

Second, in the second 20-sentence paragraph (III) of the body of the paper, using description and examples, explain what the American dream is in the novel (more specifically). Refer to the novel’s setting, its plot, the narration, or tone. The setting and in particular its historical setting should be a useful point of reference for looking at ideas about the American dream in the novel.

Use the word “Second,” (use a comma) to start this paragraph (III), which will be the third paragraph of your paper. You will need to reference the novel to develop the ideas of the American dream as they relate to The Great Gatsby. Feel free to do so.                                                                                           20 sentences

Third, in the third 20-sentence paragraph (IV) of the body of the paper relate the American dream to three characters in the novel (even more specifically). Identify three characters who exemplify points you want to make about the American dream and how they relate to the novel. For example, Jay Gatsby himself is an excellent choice, but so is the narrator, Nick Carraway. Minor characters, such as Myrtle Wilson, George Wilson, Tom Buchanan, Daisy Buchanan, and Jordan Baker are also possible choices that would work well.

Use the word “Third,” (use a comma) to start this paragraph (IV), which will be the fourth paragraph of your paper.

You will need to reference the novel to develop the ideas of the American dream as they relate to characters in The Great Gatsby. Feel free to do so.                                                                                    20 sentences



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