This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMedications

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMedications1

ptsSatisfactoryDocumented at least 3 medications administered to clients to treat or prevent alterations to the main concept and all related to the client, a detailed explanation of each medication and why one would administer the medication relating o the concept, and correct APA in-text citations (if used).0.5 ptsNeeds ImprovementDocumented 1-2medications administered to clients to treat or prevent alterations to the main concept, 1-2 relate to the client, minimal explanation of each medication and why one would administer the medication relating to the concept, and incorrect APA in-text citations (if used).0 ptsUnsatisfactoryDocumented no medications administered to clients to treat or prevent alterations to the main concept and did not relate to the client, no explanation of each medication and why one would administer the medication relating to the concept, and no APA in-text citations (if used).1 pts

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