The World’s Most Reputable Companies 2016

The World’s Most Reputable Companies 2016

Table 4. The World’s Most Reputable Companies 2016

Company Rank

Rolex 1

The Walt Disney Company 2

Google 3

BMW Group 4

Daimler (Mercedes-Benz) 5

LEGO Group 6

Microsoft 7

Canon 8

Sony 9

Apple 10

 Brand names:

The brand of Disney is well-known all over the world for many decades. It was

also ranked 13rd in the World’s Most Valuable Brands, 2016. This is the most

valuable and rare advantage of Disney.

The Walt Disney Company Case Study

40 FCU e-Paper (2016-2017)

Table 5. The World’s Most Valuable Brands, 2016

Rank Brand Brand










#1 Apple $154.1 B 6% $233.7 B $1.8 B Technology

#2 Google $82.5 B 26% $68.5 B $3.2 B Technology

#3 Microsof


$75.2 B 9% $87.6 B $1.9 B Technology

#4 Coca-Co


$58.5 B 4% $21.9 B $4 B Beverages

#5 Faceboo


$52.6 B 44% $17.4 B $281 M Technology

#6 Toyota $42.1 B 11% $165.1 B $3.6 B Automotive

#7 IBM $41.4 B -17% $81.7 B $1.3 B Technology

#8 Disney $39.5 B 14% $28 B $2.6 B Leisure

#9 McDona


$39.1 B -1% $82.7 B $719 M Restaurants

#10 GE $36.7 B -2% $92.3 B – Diversified

Note: Brand values are calculated as the net present value of future earnings generated

by the brand.

The Walt Disney Company Case Study

41 FCU e-Paper (2016-2017)

 Customer’s attendance:

Disney has strong customer’s loyalty, it can be seen by the huge attendance in

every single theme park especially in USA. They have long queue of visitors, you

even have to wait hours even in weekdays, this number of visitor in hot season is

much higher and raising ticket price is considered to be needed measure to control the



Media Technology: Disney thrives to bring the best experience to its millions of

guests every year, new technology is being developed and put into use continuously.

The brilliant engineers and artists of Disney put their minds together to introduce the

world to the newest entertainment experience and services. Patents of Disney covers a

wide range from control systems to artificial intelligence, from image projection to

user application, and much more.


Characters and plots (from Films and TV series): One of Disney Parks and

Resorts’ biggest strategy is telling stories, and people goes to Disney’s theme park for

the “theme”, the fairy tales they enjoyed as a kid (eg. Cinderella), the TV series (eg.

Tinkerbell) and films they watched and love (eg. Toy Story), and etc. These beloved

characters and stories are Disney’s biggest attraction, what all other parts of Disney is

built upon. This is what makes Disney special and different from other theme parks,

and cannot be easily imitated.

The Walt Disney Company Case Study

42 FCU e-Paper (2016-2017)


Disney’s core value is to bring happiness to everyone. To reach this goal, they

always immerse corporate value and organizational culture into new employee

orientation training. If someone who cannot fit into the culture, then s/he would not be

hired. And now they even treat this training process as a product. They sell to others

who are willing to learn and like Disney culture and value.

6.1.3 Human Resources

 Loyalty of employees:

Disney gets the loyalty of employees by good salary rate, welfare and company’s

culture and environment. In Disney US, Average Walt Disney Parks and Resorts

hourly pay ranges from approximately $7.25 per hour for Planner to $20.31 per hour

for Host/Hostess. The average Walt Disney Parks and Resorts salary ranges from

approximately $14,500 per year for Greeter to $85,045 per year for Project Manager.

How much does Walt Disney Parks and Resorts in United States pay?

Average Walt Disney Parks and Resorts hourly pay ranges from approximately

$7.25 per hour for Planner to $20.31 per hour for Host/Hostess. The average Walt

Disney Parks and Resorts salary ranges from approximately $14,500 per year for

Greeter to $85,045 per year for Project Manager.

Employees level:

Disney has talented labor force that are experts in their fields. This can be seen

by their job experience and certification in many areas.

The Walt Disney Company Case Study

43 FCU e-Paper (2016-2017)

6.2 Capabilities

Below are the capabilities of Disney, including acquisition, management, innovation,

and services.

Table 6. Capabilities


Acquisition Purchasing successful companies (Pixar, Marvel Studios, Lucas

film), bringing in new contents

Management In addition to conventional function-based departments, also

includes more specialized departments.

Innovation They apply new tech into their rides and all surrounding

Services The entire park has free wifi for all guests.


Disney has been generating classic fairy tales for decades, but now creating a

popular and profitable story is harder than ever. Therefore, why not just directly

harvest stories that has already generated its large fan base? Disney’s acquisition of

Marvel Studios and Lukas film (Star Wars) not only requires capital, but also a great

vision and boldness to execute. This can be considered as one of Disney’s strongest

capabilities: knowing when to take a leap of faith.


Instead of the conventional hierarchical management style, Disney Parks and

Resorts had its organization structure designed around specific functions and project.

The Walt Disney Company Case Study

44 FCU e-Paper (2016-2017)

Each department has its main objective, if needed, collaboration between departments

could be direct and straight forward.

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