The week 5 written assignment is your final film critique

The week 5 written assignment is your final film critique

Ashford University | ENG225 WEEK 05

The week 5 written assignment is your final film critique. This is the culmination of the work you have been doing

in this class– your chance to focus all the techniques and elements we’ve been studying on the thorough analysis

of one feature-length film. Additionally, you’ll be asked to reflect on your own development– what you’ve learned

and how you’ve learned it– while looking ahead to see how the skills you’ve mastered here will apply to your

continuing studies and possible career fields.

Make sure to read through the guidelines carefully, noting all the different required elements, and take a look

ahead at the rubric so you know exactly how your work will be assessed. Here are a few key points to keep in

mind as you work on your paper.

Stage 1 of the paper asks you to choose a film to analyze from AFI’s 10 Top 10 list. Stick to those lists and pick a

film you are familiar with or have easy access to, as you will probably need to watch it several times to hone your

points. Remember the lessons you’ve learned throughout this course. For example, you’ll be called upon to

explain the difference between story and plot in the particular film you’ve chosen.

You’ll also look at specific aesthetic choices. While we’ve discussed those throughout the class, you’ll have to

explain them and apply them to the film you’ve chosen. Don’t forget to get specific. Whether you’re talking about

lighting, or editing, or any other cinematic techniques, be sure to drill down and reference specific scenes or shots

to help make your point.

Here are a few more tips to remember. Stage 1 asks you to consider the social or personal impact of a specific

film. The guidelines scaffold some different ways to think about this, but be sure to think broadly. This is an

important part of the paper, one where outside resources might be especially helpful.

Stage 2 is all about reflection. And this is different from talking about the personal impact of the specific film you’ve

chosen for this paper. The guidelines provide some questions for you to think about, so be sure to provide specific

examples as you formulate your response. This grounds the reflection with a practical understanding.

See the sample paper we’ve uploaded in the assignment prompt. This is a model of good student work– what

your professors are looking for and the type of comments we will make. Also, keep in mind that the titles of films

should be italicized. Click into the Ashford Library English 225 study guide. It’s a portal dedicated to the kinds of

articles, essays, and books that will be most helpful resources as you work on your written assignment.

Try to budget your time so that you can take advantage of the various resources offered by the Ashford Writing

Center to ensure that your paper is written and polished. Remember, the week 5 written assignment is a chance

to really apply your understanding of the concepts and skills we’ve been working so hard to master over the last

few weeks. Give yourself an opportunity to succeed by preparing yourself thoroughly and working diligently to

complete the paper.

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