The purpose of the study is to find various ways in which students could be motivated during the learning of science.

‘The purpose of the study is to find various ways in which students could be motivated during the learning of science.

The purpose of the study is to find various ways in which students could be motivated during the learning of science.
The purpose of the study is to find various ways in which students could be motivated during the learning of science.

The future professional role would be an early childhood educator to teach both Science and English. This would educate students through lectures and hand-on learning with adherence to the curriculum. The setting would be the classroom whereby it would ensure that there is a happy environment for all students. It would be good to act as a role model and a mentor by encouraging students to learn and ensuring that they do not face challenges such as depression or discrimination which would inhibit their learning.This would ensure that interacting with students more often and learn about their families. Maintaining good relationships with their families and having frequent communication would be a good way to understand any challenges the students could be facing. The current experience is helping kindergarten students learn social studies while the previous experience in helping students complete their homework. Comment by Juliet Krummick: Not sure what happened to the entire first paragraph you had on your first version but you do need something about you being the researcher. The first paragraph on the first version was fine, just needed to be in third person. You can add part of that (maybe the first 2 sentences) to this paragraph. You can refer to yourself as “the researcher” or your last name.

The purpose of the study is to find various ways in which students could be motivated during the learning of science. The student outcomes that need influence are their knowledge and skills in science and their attitude towards learning the subject. This is because assessments have shown that some students lack sufficient knowledge in science. Students are expected to obtain a positive attitude toward science learning. The performance of students in science is also an area of interest to be influenced because it also determines whether or not the students are engaged in learning. They should achieve good grades to show that they understand the topics at hand. Comment by Juliet Krummick: Engaged in their learning? This would be a good spot to add a resource about student’s engagement.

Teacher involvement is very important in motivating students to learn. The provision of autonomy support to students enhances their motivation in learning. Student-teacher relationships are important in optimizing student motivation. “Educators and parents value motivation in school for its own sake as well as for its long-term contribution to child’s learnings and esteem” (Skinner et al, 2013). Motivated students show interest in learning, are enthusiastic, curios, involved and are likely to cope with setbacks and challenges. These students can stay in school for longer and learn more, therefore, they are more likely to perform well than the unmotivated students. Comment by Juliet Krummick: Great place for a direct quote. You will also need to add a page number or paragraph number following the year within the citation.

The fact that not all first-grade students perform well in science means that they may not be engaged enough during learning science. Most of the first-grade students are not engaged enough during learning science due to the fact that they lose interest in the subject as they progress to higher levels of learning. Even though some perform well on tests, othersfail to perform very well. The teachers do not put much emphasis on the teaching of science because they dedicate most of their time to reading within the researcher’s school. There is a big push for reading skills and science is put on the back burner. There is limited time for planning and for conducting lessons during the school day due to the classroom schedule.This leads to a loss of interest among their students. Science forms the basis of subjects such as Biology, Physics, and Chemistry which students will learn in the future, therefore, lack of interest in science later leads to disinterest in these subjects. Comment by Juliet Krummick: The fact that not all first graders, within the researcher’s school are not scoring well on science assessments means… Comment by Juliet Krummick: This was discovered through observation… Comment by Juliet Krummick: Why is this? Comment by Juliet Krummick: For teacher planning? Comment by Juliet Krummick: If there is not a direct correlation between the two and you have no evidence to support this idea, I would delete it. Comment by Juliet Krummick: You are jumping to conclusions without having evidence. This is not the place to assume and suggest ideas that have not been proven, instead, just tell what is happening in your classroom.

The aim of pursuing this topic is to determine the different ways in which students could be motivated in science learning to improve their performance. The topic also aimsto determine whether there is a connection between the poor performance of students in science and inadequate engagement. It would also be good to determine various ways in which early childhood educators could motivate them to learn science.The target population is students in the first grade. The reason for choosing this population is that the students begin to be taught science at this grade. “Children spend their time exploring and experimenting in first grade. Science lessons often overlap with math and literacy as teachers use books, graphs, and measurement to help students learn” (Urdan et al, 2015).First-grade students are encouraged to learn about their world by making observations and asking questions about nature. First grade forms the basis of learning science and contributes majorly to the interest of students in learning specific subjects such as science as they advance to higher grades of learning. Parents and teachers learn about various ways they can motivate students to learn. Comment by Juliet Krummick: New paragraph, new idea. Comment by Juliet Krummick: This entire section should be about your population only. Tell use about how many students, age range, how many in each age range, the teacher would also be a participant, tell me about your background and education. You can share boy/girl ratio, demographic information if you know it. Any information that would help the reader better understand your population.

Research Question: What are some of the ways to increase the motivation of first graders towards learning in early elementary in the area of science?

The idea is within the locus of control since early childhood educatorscan fully engage the first-grade students to learn science.According to Mills the locus of control is the degree to which teachers feel that they have control over their students and the classroom (2014). Comment by Juliet Krummick: You need more information about what you are in control of. Write these ideas in third person: You have control over the size of the population. You have control over the amount of information that you provide to families. You have the right to not use information that you find. You have control over how many strategies are used at once, you have control over how the information is documented

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