REPLY Cristina Hernandez Machado WEEK 7


REPLY Cristina Hernandez Machado WEEK 7

According to the world’s history, the migration of people is expected. The movement of people to developed countries can be prompted by famines, the need for economic opportunities, and war. However, with time, concerns have been raised over the policies put forward to address the migration of people. Specific times call for particular policies for immigrants. For example, after WWII, many immigrants and refugees were allowed into the United States, which helped restore the economic crises that other countries were facing. As a result, the number of immigrants reduced drastically (Kirk O. Hanson, 2019). However, the United States’ immigration Policy has become contentious over the years. There is no substantial update to the laws of immigration despite the favor that the immigration reforms have to the Americans. Generally, there has been a decline in wars and conflicts worldwide, but the increasing poverty levels and the conflicts’ persistence have increased the number of refugees. In addition, significant developments in the United States have prompted more economic immigrants. Families have moved to developed countries in search of higher living standards. The superiority of higher education in the United States has been of great interest to most immigrants.

Many developed countries have developed a new set of policies for immigration because of the changed conditions. However, the policymakers in the United States do not seem to agree on how to handle the immigration pressures they face. Policies should be put in place to establish how many immigrants get into the United States and the eligible persons (Dunlap & J.D., 2019). The policies should also specify the difference between refugees, economic immigrants, and US citizens’ family members. The policies should be clear on the actions to be taken on the individuals who entered the US without authorization, how to treat individuals at the borders seeking entry, and the rights of the individuals authorized to enter the United States.

Some ethical principles that should be addressed include empathy and the need to understand the reason behind the migration into the US. This is because many individuals are affected by environmental changes and collapsing economies worldwide; therefore, individuals seeking entry should not be dismissed because they lack the proper documents. The other principle is non-discrimination (Kirk O. Hanson, 2019). America should offer equal opportunities to allow cultural diversity. Membership rights should also be reviewed, and many residents who have lived in the US for long without documentation should be offered some form of protection. Finally, the US should fulfill its commitment to caring for immigrants and refugees who seek economic survival and security. It is unfortunate that the various principles have been ignored in the immigration policy reform debates.


Kirk O. Hanson. (2019). Ethical Principles for Immigration Reform in 2019. @SantaClaraUniv.

Dunlap, C., & J.D. (2019, February 26). The ethical challenges of immigration activism. Lawfire.

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