Proofreading to Catch Errors
2/21/18, 11:19 AMAplia: Student Question

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5. Proofreading to Catch Errors
After you compose your message, you need to proofread it. The proofreading process may take longer than the composition process. You don’t want to
spend a lot of time composing the message and then let poor grammar or punctuation prevent your audience from comprehending it.
What should you do when proofreading a complex document? Check all that apply.
Read the following selection, and identify any errors.
Proofreading is an important phase of the writing process. Careful proofreaders check for errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation,
names, numbers, and formatting. When checking spelling, do not rely too heavily on your computer’s spell checker.
Identify the error or style problem in the following sentences.
If anyone wants to come to my office to see my new computer let me know.
Per your request, I am enclosing his comments.
Print a double-spaced copy and set it aside for at least a day.
Read the document at least twice.
Make sure you are the only one who reads it.
Read the document quickly and check for grammatical errors.
This selection contains one spelling error and two comma errors.
This selection contains one spelling error and one comma error.
This selection is correct without any revisions.
Trite expression
Wordy noun phrase
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