PREFACE 19:The aforementioned trends are central to the Eighth Edition

PREFACE 19:The aforementioned trends are central to the Eighth Edition
PREFACE 19:The aforementioned trends are central to the Eighth Edition

PREFACE 19:The aforementioned trends are central to the Eighth Edition

PREFACE 19:The aforementioned trends are central to the Eighth Edition as well. as noted previously, unprecedented social and political change is underway in North africa. Sub-Saharan africa’s economies are rebounding from the global financial crisis at a rapid pace. Every day the busi- ness press contains another announcement that a global company plans to enter africa or expand operations there. bharti-airtel, Coca-Cola, Ford, IbM, Nestlé, and Walmart are among the com- panies that have joined the “final gold rush” into the world’s last untapped market. “africa 3.0,” the lead-in case to Chapter 15, explores the way mobile phones are transforming business and home life across the continent. This is clearly a region that bears watching.

Current research findings have been integrated into each chapter of Global Marketing, Eighth Edition. For example, we have incorporated key insights from Seung Ho Park and Wilfried R. Vanhonacker’s article “The Challenge for Multinational Corporations in China: Think local, act Global,” which appeared in MIT Sloan Management Review in 2007. Similarly, we found arin- dam K. bhattacharya and David C. Michael’s 2008 Harvard Business Review article “How local Companies Keep Multinationals at bay” to be extremely insightful.

Similarly, our thinking about the global/local market paradox has been influenced by John Quelch’s 2012 book, All Business Is Local. We have added scores of current examples of global marketing practice as well as quotations from global marketing practitioners and industry experts. Throughout the text, organizational Web sites are referenced for further student study and exploration. a companion Web site ( is integrated with the text as well.

End-of-Chapter Cases and Chapter Sidebars Each chapter opens with a brief case study introducing a company, a country, a product, or a global marketing issue that directly relates to the chapter’s themes and content. The cases vary in length from a few hundred words to more than 2,600 words, yet they are all short enough to be covered in a single class period. The cases were written with the same objectives in mind: to raise issues that will encourage student interest and learning; to stimulate class discussion; to give students a chance to apply theory and concepts while developing critical thinking skills; and to enhance the classroom experience for students and instructors alike. Every chapter and case has been classroom-tested in both undergraduate and graduate courses.

The end-of-chapter cases strike a balance between revisions and updates of cases from the Seventh Edition and cases that are new to this edition. Revised and updated cases include Case 1-2, “McDonald’s Expands Globally While adjusting Its local Recipe”; Case 7-1, “Global Companies Target low-Income Consumers”; Case 15-1, “africa 3.0”; and Case 16-1, “Volkswa- gen aims for the Top.”

New cases in the Eighth Edition include Case 1-3, “apple Versus Samsung: The battle for Smartphone Supremacy Heats Up”; Case 3-1, “Global Trading Partners look East and West for Economic Growth”; Case 4-1, “Will Tourism Ruin Venice?”; Case 5-1, “Mr. President— Free Pussy Riot!”; Case 8-1, “East-asian countries: Export-led Growth for Economic Success”; Case 9-1, “Mo’men launches Franchises in UaE”; Case 12-1, “Carrefour’s Entry in Dubai”; and Case 14-1, “Red bull.”

In addition, every chapter contains two or more sidebars on three themes: Emerging Markets briefing book; Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and the Global Startup; and The Cultural Context. among the entrepreneurs profiled are Kevin Plank (Under armour), Reed Hastings (Netflix), and Diego Della Valle (Tod’s).

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one of our challenges in writing new editions of this textbook is the rate of change in the global business environment. Yesterday’s impossibility becomes today’s reality; new companies explode onto the scene; company leadership changes abruptly. In short, any book can be quickly outdated by current events. Even so, we set out to create a compelling narrative that captures the unfolding drama that is inherent in marketing in the globalization era. The authors are passionate about the subject of global marketing; if our readers detect a note of enthusiasm in our writing, then we have been successful. We believe that you will find Global Marketing, Eighth Edition, to be the most engaging, up-to-date, relevant, and useful text of its kind.

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