Philosophies and Theories for Advanced Nursing Practice
Course objective:
1. Examine disciplinary influences on nursing inquiry such as biology, medicine, psychology, sociology, and philosophy, among others.
2. Describe application and adaptation of borrowed theories to nursing practice.
Discussion Question: 6 DQ 1
Discuss “Envisioning Recovery” as an overarching framework for practice development and focus for all health care treatment.
The role of practice development in healthcare is the facilitation of continuous upgrading and improvement of healthcare services. Envisioning recovery is a novel archetype in healthcare that reflects on a model scenario where sustainable changes in health centers is burgeoning renewed interest in innovation and the demonstration of impact from transforming healthcare services.
Practice development in healthcare is enabled by authentically engaging innovation, ingenious skills, resourceful imagination, and practical wisdom in introducing transformative shifts in hospital culture, and embedding these improvements into health fruitful outcomes. Healthcare recovery in essence means that all practices that are redundant, unnecessary, and found to impede progress in imparting safe and patient-focused care are expunged and replaced by newer and enhanced processes. Bovenkamp and Zuiderent-Jerak (2015) posit that experiential knowledge gathered from the experiences of nurses, physicians, patients, and other hospital staff and stakeholders is crucial in designing strategies for change of healthcare provision approaches.
Mahmud, Olander, Eriksnn, and Haglund (2013) place communication advances in health as the key to the promotion of interventions that incorporate ‘recovery envisioning’ into the health industry. In précis, they engage health literacy by asserting that informatics improvement is the primal foundations that abundantly take health industry paradigms to exemplary levels where patient-centered care delivers palatable wellbeing to patients.
Recovery in healthcare is best achieved by placing considerable reliance on healthcare informatics that is managed by practice development units. These units work in cohorts with researchers and healthcare policymakers who determine amicable paths for instilling change of infrastructure, methods, and procedures. Wholesomely, recovery in healthcare industry marks shifts of healthcare delivery to superior standards and better focus on patients.
It is so important for patients to participate in their healthcare and assist in making decisions for them, as that is the only way services can be tailored to their needs; without patient interest and participation, the interventions are likely to fail. Patients know what they interventions absolutely won’t work for them and need to be encouraged to speak up and state that fact; however, that is a very difficult task for many people, especially depending on age or culture. It is the responsibility of the healthcare team to ensure the environment they are providing is one of open communication and respect and there the team also needs to encourage patient participation.
People living with mental illnesses and/or addictions want to have hope, eliminate or manage their symptoms, increase their capacity to participate in valued social roles and relationships, embrace purpose and meaning in their lives, and make worthwhile contributions to the lives of their communities.
Recovery-oriented care is based on the recognition that each person must be either the agent of and/or the central participant within his or her own recovery journey, and that all services therefore need to be organized to support the developmental stages of this recovery process. It follows that services also should instill hope, be person-and family-centered, offer choice, elicit and honor each person’s potential for growth, build on a person’s/family’s strengths and interests, and attend to the overall life, including health and wellness, of a person with mental illness and/or addiction.