Nature of the Case:

CASE STUDY (CS) Management often faces challenges that are not rooted in textbook or classroom theory. Throughout the course, students will have an opportunity to examine organizational situations in context. Below is the case analysis preparation format that we will use throughout the course. Take the time to get familiar with it and make sure to use it when preparing case analysis submissions. STEP 1: Nature of the Case. A brief summary statement on the broad implications associated with the case. The brief summary usually can be addressed by utilizing one sentence. This case is primarily concerned with…such as, conflict between personal values and organizational needs and goals. STEP 2: Facts and Assumptions. Often students treat the symptoms and rewrite the case with the intentions of coming to a decision. In developing a foundation, upon which to base a decision, those pertinent facts should be identified that have impacted the case. Assumptions based on fact will often be required. STEP 3: Problem Statement. In a paragraph or two, the student should be able to become more specific on the major issues in the case. This is much like separating the forest from the trees. STEP 4: Alternatives. All the various alternatives available should be identified. A broad continuum of considerations should be explored. STEP 5: Decision. Ultimately a decision must be made. The preceding process has provided a rational procedure to facilitate this effort. Just as managers must do, the student must consider contingencies that may arise as the decision is implemented. STEP 6: Follow-up. The student will delineate the steps utilized to make sure that the decision resulted in the assumed benefits and would accrue from the chosen course of action. STEP 7: Case Report. Either individually or in groups, follow this format in developing a plan to resolve the conflicts that take precedence in this case. The report will be graded on the basis of content, the interest generated, sentence structure, grammar and spelling. The report will be typed in a double-spaced format. (12 pt – Arial or Times New Roman font)