Manage business document design and development

Innovation and Business Industry
Innovation and Business Industry

Assessment Task 1 BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd 1st edition version: 1

Page 1 of 7

Identify and establish documentation


Submission details

Candidate’s name Phone no.

Assessor’s name Phone no.

Assessment site

Assessment date/s Time/s

The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this

arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.

Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for


Performance objective

You will need to demonstrate skills and knowledge required to identify and establish

document standards in an organisational context.

Assessment description

In response to a simulated business case study and a scenario, you will answer and

submit written answers to four questions.


1. Read the scenario in Appendix 1 and make sure you have received the Adept Owl

simulated business documentation provided by you assessor.

2. Read through the questions provided in Appendix 2 of this task.

3. Respond to the questions by referring to the Adept Owl simulated business

documentation provided by your assessor and the scenario in Appendix 1.

4. Submit written answers to your assessor within an agreed timeframe and in an

agreed format. Ensure your answers reflect specifications as outlined below. Keep

copies of all submitted materials for your records.

Assessment Task 1 BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd 1st edition version: 1

Page 2 of 7


You must provide:

● written answers to four questions (provided in Appendix 2).

Your assessor will be looking for responses to questions that demonstrate:

● literacy skills to read and interpret policies and procedures

● research and analysis skills to evaluate content, structure and purpose of technical

texts, and to adapt task instructions to suit changes in technology

● knowledge of cost constraints

● knowledge of document production processes

● knowledge of key provisions of relevant legislation and regulations, codes and

standards that may affect aspects of business operations, such as:

○ anti-discrimination legislation

○ ethical principles

○ codes of practice

○ privacy laws

● knowledge of sources of expertise that are external to the organisation or


Adjustment for distance-based learners

● No changes are required to the assessment procedures or specifications.

● Submitted answers to questions may be in electronic or paper-based format.

Assessment Task 1 BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd 1st edition version: 1

Page 3 of 7

Appendix 1: Adept Owl scenario


Adept Owl produces high-quality, entertaining board, card and puzzle games for the

enjoyment of all ages. According to the company’s vision, Adept Owl intends to establish

its reputation within five years, ‘as one of the finest, most innovative and entertaining

board game developers in Australia’. To achieve this goal, the company will need to

engage in several strategic directions:

● engaging with customers

● developing and improving products and production

● supporting innovative thinking, management and leadership skills

● creating a high-performing organisation

● ensuring sustainable materials and processes are used in manufacture and


On the level of creating, maintaining and storing company documentation, these strategic

directions are supported by specific activities, for example:

● creating standards for documents, in the form of a style guide, to improve

readability (for internal and external customers) and to promote a consistent look-


● creating procedures for document production that ensure consistent, high-quality

outcomes and efficiency

● designing templates and standard text – in conformity with the style guide and

production procedures – to improve workflow further

● developing people-focused implementation strategies – for example delivering

training on documentation – to ensure the cooperation of all staff in the

maintenance of document quality, sustainability, and legal and ethical compliance.

As a new member of the administration team, with a responsibility for team leadership

and document design and development, your first order of business is to identify the

existing documentation standards at Adept Owl.

In order to plan for meeting current and future organisational needs, you will need to

consider current performance and administration team capability.

Assessment Task 1 BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd 1st edition version: 1

Page 4 of 7

Administration team performance

The administration team at Adept Owl performs a range of documentation tasks. These

tasks are grouped into several main areas of activity, which provide the basis for

measuring performance that drives organisational outcomes.

The administration team at Adept Owl uses the following performance scorecard, which

includes various targets for documentation output and quality.

Performance area Performance metric (KPI) Target Outcomes

Customer focus Per cent of documents

conforming to the style


100% ?

Productivity Average time (per mail-out)

to edit the letter being sent

30 minutes ?

Average time per mail merge 5 minutes ?

Data entry error rate 3% ?

Employee development Number of training hours

per employee

20hrs per

employee per



Expense Average cost per mail-out

(excluding postage)

$100 ?

Average labour cost per

page of edited text

$50 ?

Sustainability Average sheets of paper

used per letter

3 sheets ?

Average toner use per


10 cartridges ?

Compliance Identified breaches of

legislation, including

WHS/OHS, anti-

discrimination, privacy

0 incidents ?

Privacy related complaints 0 incidents ?

Assessment Task 1 BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd 1st edition version: 1

Page 5 of 7

Administration team capability

The administration team has identified six key skills that each team member will need to

perform at a practitioner level (see the legend for clarification of levels) or above:

Work task

Team member and current capability

You (team

leader) Pat Sam Kim

Creating and using templates in

Word and Excel.

Creating and using macros in

Word and Excel.

Creating and using mail merge

features in Word.

Creating and using form fields in


Creating and using drop down lists

in Excel.

Creating and using formulae in



Untrained – Team member has no training.

Learner – Team member cannot perform task independently.

Practitioner – Team member can perform task independently with supervision.

Operator – Team member can perform task independently.

Coach – Team member can train others to perform task.

Assessment Task 1 BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd 1st edition version: 1

Page 6 of 7

Current business needs

In attempting to achieve its wider business goals, Adept Owl has a number of current

specific business needs relating to the skills capability and performance of the

administration team in designing and using documentation.

Letter mail-outs

One of the most common tasks undertaken by the team is writing letters to both internal

and external customers. In all cases such letters need to conform to Adept Owl house

styles. Currently letters are created from scratch. Mass mail-outs present a problem for

efficiency as letters are created individually. This practice presents a problem with respect

to consistency and wastage of resources. A standard procedure for completing a mass

letter mail-out including a mail merge that is consistent with existing letter standards is

required. In the interest of budgetary control, only existing organisational software should

be required. The entire mail merge process should take no more than 5 minutes to


Expense reporting

One type of document the organisation currently lacks standard processes for is expense

reporting. Staff use a range of methods to report expenses. There are several problems

associated with this arrangement. Staff complain about the time needed to input

expenses. Administration staff complain about the lack of consistency, including incorrect

or incomplete coding of expenses. Allowable expenses codes are:

● Food

● Transportation

● Communication

● Training

● Other.

A standard procedure for creating expense reports that encourages the use of time-saving

macros is required. In the interest of budgetary control, only existing organisational

software should be required. The entire procedure should take no more than 5 minutes to


Future business needs and capability

At this point it is unclear whether the organisation’s software list will be sufficient to take

the organisation through the next five years. The advent of social media platforms (Web

2.0) and their use in both internal and external business communications/marketing and

digital publishing technologies present both challenges and opportunities for Adept Owl.

Unfortunately, current software capability within the administration team means that the

team is barely proficient to use Microsoft Office and they will likely struggle with complex

document tasks without further training or recruitment to bolster capability.

Assessment Task 1 BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd 1st edition version: 1

Page 7 of 7

Appendix 2: Test questions

Question 1

As a new member of the team you will need to identify organisational requirements.

Referring to the Adept Owl scenario in Appendix 1, the Adept Owl style guide and

procedures, identify:

● one requirement for information entry

● two requirements for file naming and storage

● two requirements for output or quality of document design and production

● two compliance requirements – explain how the existing Adept Owl processes help

ensure compliance with one piece of legislation and identify and explain one

possible code of practice or standard relevant to document production for possible

improvement of processes.

Question 2

Evaluate Adept Owl’s present and future information technology capability to satisfy

document design and production needs.

● With respect to human resource capability, where are the skills gaps that exist

currently within the administration team?

● How could the skills gaps be closed in keeping with organisational practices?

● What future IT capability needs (both physical and human) could the organisation

have with respect to document design and production within the next 2–5 years?

Identify at least one source of external advice or information you have used to help

you make this evaluation.

● What changes might be required to the Adept Owl style guide and procedures to

take account of anticipated technological changes?

Question 3

Referring to the Adept Owl style guide and procedures, identify three types of documents

used and required by the organisation.

Question 4

Develop a short procedure for either (a) a mass letter mail-out or (b) the creation of an

expense report. Ensure your procedures:

● follow general style requirements of the Adept Owl style guide; include at least two

references to the style guide or procedures, for example, storage or use of fonts or


● adhere to information, budget and technology requirements outlined in the

scenario in Appendix 1.

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd 1st edition version: 1

Page 1 of 7

Identify and establish documentation


Submission details

Candidate’s name Phone no.

Assessor’s name Phone no.

Assessment site

Assessment date/s Time/s

The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this

arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.

Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for


Performance objective

You will need to demonstrate skills and knowledge required to identify and establish

document standards in an organisational context.

Assessment description

In response to a simulated business case study and a scenario, you will answer and

submit written answers to four questions.


1. Read the scenario in Appendix 1 and make sure you have received the Adept Owl

simulated business documentation provided by you assessor.

2. Read through the questions provided in Appendix 2 of this task.

3. Respond to the questions by referring to the Adept Owl simulated business

documentation provided by your assessor and the scenario in Appendix 1.

4. Submit written answers to your assessor within an agreed timeframe and in an

agreed format. Ensure your answers reflect specifications as outlined below. Keep

copies of all submitted materials for your records.

Assessment Task 1 BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd 1st edition version: 1

Page 2 of 7


You must provide:

● written answers to four questions (provided in Appendix 2).

Your assessor will be looking for responses to questions that demonstrate:

● literacy skills to read and interpret policies and procedures

● research and analysis skills to evaluate content, structure and purpose of technical

texts, and to adapt task instructions to suit changes in technology

● knowledge of cost constraints

● knowledge of document production processes

● knowledge of key provisions of relevant legislation and regulations, codes and

standards that may affect aspects of business operations, such as:

○ anti-discrimination legislation

○ ethical principles

○ codes of practice

○ privacy laws

● knowledge of sources of expertise that are external to the organisation or


Adjustment for distance-based learners

● No changes are required to the assessment procedures or specifications.

● Submitted answers to questions may be in electronic or paper-based format.

Assessment Task 1 BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd 1st edition version: 1

Page 3 of 7

Appendix 1: Adept Owl scenario


Adept Owl produces high-quality, entertaining board, card and puzzle games for the

enjoyment of all ages. According to the company’s vision, Adept Owl intends to establish

its reputation within five years, ‘as one of the finest, most innovative and entertaining

board game developers in Australia’. To achieve this goal, the company will need to

engage in several strategic directions:

● engaging with customers

● developing and improving products and production

● supporting innovative thinking, management and leadership skills

● creating a high-performing organisation

● ensuring sustainable materials and processes are used in manufacture and


On the level of creating, maintaining and storing company documentation, these strategic

directions are supported by specific activities, for example:

● creating standards for documents, in the form of a style guide, to improve

readability (for internal and external customers) and to promote a consistent look-


● creating procedures for document production that ensure consistent, high-quality

outcomes and efficiency

● designing templates and standard text – in conformity with the style guide and

production procedures – to improve workflow further

● developing people-focused implementation strategies – for example delivering

training on documentation – to ensure the cooperation of all staff in the

maintenance of document quality, sustainability, and legal and ethical compliance.

As a new member of the administration team, with a responsibility for team leadership

and document design and development, your first order of business is to identify the

existing documentation standards at Adept Owl.

In order to plan for meeting current and future organisational needs, you will need to

consider current performance and administration team capability.

Assessment Task 1 BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd 1st edition version: 1

Page 4 of 7

Administration team performance

The administration team at Adept Owl performs a range of documentation tasks. These

tasks are grouped into several main areas of activity, which provide the basis for

measuring performance that drives organisational outcomes.

The administration team at Adept Owl uses the following performance scorecard, which

includes various targets for documentation output and quality.

Performance area Performance metric (KPI) Target Outcomes

Customer focus Per cent of documents

conforming to the style


100% ?

Productivity Average time (per mail-out)

to edit the letter being sent

30 minutes ?

Average time per mail merge 5 minutes ?

Data entry error rate 3% ?

Employee development Number of training hours

per employee

20hrs per

employee per



Expense Average cost per mail-out

(excluding postage)

$100 ?

Average labour cost per

page of edited text

$50 ?

Sustainability Average sheets of paper

used per letter

3 sheets ?

Average toner use per


10 cartridges ?

Compliance Identified breaches of

legislation, including

WHS/OHS, anti-

discrimination, privacy

0 incidents ?

Privacy related complaints 0 incidents ?

Assessment Task 1 BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd 1st edition version: 1

Page 5 of 7

Administration team capability

The administration team has identified six key skills that each team member will need to

perform at a practitioner level (see the legend for clarification of levels) or above:

Work task

Team member and current capability

You (team

leader) Pat Sam Kim

Creating and using templates in

Word and Excel.

Creating and using macros in

Word and Excel.

Creating and using mail merge

features in Word.

Creating and using form fields in


Creating and using drop down lists

in Excel.

Creating and using formulae in



Untrained – Team member has no training.

Learner – Team member cannot perform task independently.

Practitioner – Team member can perform task independently with supervision.

Operator – Team member can perform task independently.

Coach – Team member can train others to perform task.

Assessment Task 1 BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd 1st edition version: 1

Page 6 of 7

Current business needs

In attempting to achieve its wider business goals, Adept Owl has a number of current

specific business needs relating to the skills capability and performance of the

administration team in designing and using documentation.

Letter mail-outs

One of the most common tasks undertaken by the team is writing letters to both internal

and external customers. In all cases such letters need to conform to Adept Owl house

styles. Currently letters are created from scratch. Mass mail-outs present a problem for

efficiency as letters are created individually. This practice presents a problem with respect

to consistency and wastage of resources. A standard procedure for completing a mass

letter mail-out including a mail merge that is consistent with existing letter standards is

required. In the interest of budgetary control, only existing organisational software should

be required. The entire mail merge process should take no more than 5 minutes to


Expense reporting

One type of document the organisation currently lacks standard processes for is expense

reporting. Staff use a range of methods to report expenses. There are several problems

associated with this arrangement. Staff complain about the time needed to input

expenses. Administration staff complain about the lack of consistency, including incorrect

or incomplete coding of expenses. Allowable expenses codes are:

● Food

● Transportation

● Communication

● Training

● Other.

A standard procedure for creating expense reports that encourages the use of time-saving

macros is required. In the interest of budgetary control, only existing organisational

software should be required. The entire procedure should take no more than 5 minutes to


Future business needs and capability

At this point it is unclear whether the organisation’s software list will be sufficient to take

the organisation through the next five years. The advent of social media platforms (Web

2.0) and their use in both internal and external business communications/marketing and

digital publishing technologies present both challenges and opportunities for Adept Owl.

Unfortunately, current software capability within the administration team means that the

team is barely proficient to use Microsoft Office and they will likely struggle with complex

document tasks without further training or recruitment to bolster capability.

Assessment Task 1 BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd 1st edition version: 1

Page 7 of 7

Appendix 2: Test questions

Question 1

As a new member of the team you will need to identify organisational requirements.

Referring to the Adept Owl scenario in Appendix 1, the Adept Owl style guide and

procedures, identify:

● one requirement for information entry

● two requirements for file naming and storage

● two requirements for output or quality of document design and production

● two compliance requirements – explain how the existing Adept Owl processes help

ensure compliance with one piece of legislation and identify and explain one

possible code of practice or standard relevant to document production for possible

improvement of processes.

Question 2

Evaluate Adept Owl’s present and future information technology capability to satisfy

document design and production needs.

● With respect to human resource capability, where are the skills gaps that exist

currently within the administration team?

● How could the skills gaps be closed in keeping with organisational practices?

● What future IT capability needs (both physical and human) could the organisation

have with respect to document design and production within the next 2–5 years?

Identify at least one source of external advice or information you have used to help

you make this evaluation.

● What changes might be required to the Adept Owl style guide and procedures to

take account of anticipated technological changes?

Question 3

Referring to the Adept Owl style guide and procedures, identify three types of documents

used and required by the organisation.

Question 4

Develop a short procedure for either (a) a mass letter mail-out or (b) the creation of an

expense report. Ensure your procedures:

● follow general style requirements of the Adept Owl style guide; include at least two

references to the style guide or procedures, for example, storage or use of fonts or


● adhere to information, budget and technology requirements outlined in the

scenario in Appendix 1.

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