I have a Flovent daily inhaler and a Proventil rescue inhaler.

I have a Flovent daily inhaler and a Proventil rescue inhaler.

How often are you using your proventil

I haven’t used my rescue inhaler in months — not since I started the daily Flovent one.

That makes sense.

Can I ask where is the pain located

It hurts in my lower back and even, like, the top of my butt.

How long does it pain last

It’s pretty constant.

What does it feel like

It’s like. . . an ache.

Is there something that makes it worse

Well, I’ve been taking Advil for it. Otherwise the only thing that really helps is lying flat on my back.

How often are you taking Advil

I’ve been taking them every five or six hours, like it says on the bottle.

How many days have you been taking it (Clarified to For how many days have you been on pain pills?.)

I’ve been taking the Advil about three days, maybe a little less–since the night after I hurt myself. (Clarified to how many days I have been taking pain pills.)

Is there something that makes your back pain worse

It definitely feels worst when I’m sitting up. Moving around can make it hurt more, too.

Is there anything related with the back pain

Taking Advil has been helping a little. . . and it feels better when I lie flat on my back.

Does your back pain radiates anywhere

No, it isn’t spreading.

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