How will cultivating her confidence contribute to her success in her career?

How will cultivating her confidence contribute to her success in her career?

Cultivating Confidence

Write an introductory paragraph describing Cheryl and her situation. Introduce the four strategies you’ve used to let Cheryl know you have a plan to help her gain confidence at work. Be Yourself, Push Yourself, Learn from the Past, and Be Positive

Cheryl has the right idea, she wants to advance but she is skeptical. If she is authentic in her approach she will get better results. Genuinely people tend to hear when are not authentic in your voice. Find ways your personality can come out when talking to customers. You can tell a joke or just start a conversation about something they might like. Do not be discouraged if someone does not want to buy extra products. There will be someone who will purchase a product and it will start to build your confidence.

By Cheryl pushing herself in her customer service position she could reach her sales goal. She must build the confidence she needs to persuade customer adding premium channel is what they really want. Cheryl May want to research other companies and write down what the offer versus what TelCom offers. Bring able to up sell your company to a customer impresses a lot of people.

Cheryl can learn from her past mistakes and not give up. She can suggest to her manager to implement a better script for her to read. This script can incorporate things Cheryl believes that can help bring the customer on board. When you become proactive in your success it helps builds your confidence.

Cheryl can use Queen Latifah’s fifth Law of Confidence “Be Positive “ to help build her confidence at work by reframing negative thoughts and behaviors. Never use words like can’t, won’t and I give up. Use your strengths to get you where you want to be. Change your behavior, by not giving up. Look for ways to help your self through out the day like positive affirmations.

Provide a summary of why you think the strategies you chose from Queen Latifah Laws of Confidence will help Cheryl build up her confidence at work. How will cultivating her confidence contribute to her success in her career?

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