Growth rates differ among the segments

Growth Rates

Growth rates differ among the segments. Thrift and Core are growing at a slower pace, 11.0% and 10.0%, than Nano and Elite, 14.0% and 16.0% (Figure 4.5).

In the next four years, Thrift’s and Core’s percentage of the overall market will decline. Today, the number of units sold to the Nano segment is greater than those sold to the Elite segment (Table 4.1).

However, in four years, Elite’s unit sales will exceed Nano’s (Table 4.2).

Age 34%

Positioning 22% MTBF 20%

Price 24%

Elite Segment Criteria Elite customers seek high reliability and cutting edge performance technology:

• Age, 0 years– importance: 34% • Price, $30.00-$42.00– importance: 24% • Ideal Position at the end of Round 0,

performance 12.5 size 9.5– importance: 22% • MTBF, 20,000-26,000– importance: 20%

Figure 4.4 Elite Segment Buying Criteria\

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