General Instructions for Discussion Responses to Classmates   

General Instructions for Discussion Responses to Classmates

Create a new thread for each posting.

Use correct, complete sentences, in paragraph format, unless otherwise instructed.

Use assigned course materials to complete discussion responses.

Use in-text citations and a Reference List in APA format to cite the course resource(s) used – an in-text citation cannot exist without a corresponding Reference List, and a Reference List cannot exist without a corresponding in-text citation.

Post responses here in public discussion forum.

Put the following in the subject line:  Discussion + your name.

Address each classmate by name, and sign your name to each posting, please.

Write in-depth, comprehensive responses that promote further discussion beyond merely agreeing/disagreeing – refer to the “ Winning Discussion Responses”  module in Content for examples.


Tips for Formatting and Structuring Parts 1 and 2:

· Write in complete sentences in paragraph format.

· Use in-text citations citing to relevant assignment materials.

· Label parts as appropriate.

· Double-space; 12-point Arial or Times Roman font.

· Introductory Sentence:  Begin with an introductory sentence or very brief paragraph that states your conclusion to the questions asked.

· Concluding Sentence:  End the discussion with a concluding sentence or a very brief paragraph that summarizes your conclusion/what you discussed.

· Support Arguments and Positions:   Please refer to the module in Content, “How to Support Arguments and Positions”.

Part 1:  

Background/Facts:  During a monthly Lunch and Learn Seminar at TLG offices, all TLG business consultants are discussing various client cases.  During the discussion of Clean’s new business, the group discusses the following questions:

(1) What is the difference between the implied warranty of merchantability and the implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose?

(2) Analyze and explain specifically how and why Clean could be sued for breach of implied warranty of merchantability for using EPI cleaning products to clean Clean’s clients’ commercial property. `

Part 2: 

React to a minimum of 2 colleague’s comments.

Overview: Product Liability In the Business Environment

This week’s Learning Outcomes:

After reading the materials, discussing the concepts, and completing the learning activity; students will be able to:

· Explain why it is important for businesses to understand product liability

· Compare the three main theories of recovery under product liability law

· Identify situations when a business may be liable under any of the theories of product liability law

· Identify the appropriate defenses in product liability law

· Recommend actions businesses can take to prevent or minimize product liability

This week’s learning outcomes relate to the following course outcomes:

· Analyze tort rights, obligations, liabilities, and remedies in the business environment.

· Analyze contractual rights, obligations, liabilities, and remedies in the business environment.

Major Concepts:



Select ONE (1) of the following questions to answer. Make sure to incorporate evidence from this week’s readings to support your argument:

1. One of the core elements of the African American community after the end of slavery was education. Generally, African Americans hungered for learning and placed a high value on education. What evidence supports this claim? Additionally, discuss the various ways that African Americans viewed education in the first 3-4 decades after slavery ended. Make sure to discuss the conflict/disagreement that is seen in the writings of W.E.B. DuBois and Booker T. Washington. Explain both sides and evaluate how both can be seen as specific strategies and not compromises in light of the restrictions in Jim Crow America.


2. According to Ida B. Wells, “Our country’s national crime is lynching.” Evaluate this statement. Why and when did African American lynchings become widespread? What was the stated and, perhaps most importantly, underlying purpose of lynching? How did racial terror lynchings shape life for African American communities across the South?





Overall Feedback

Thank you for your participation. Below you will find a few comments that will help with improving your posts and raising your scores in the future:

1. Make sure that you are using course readings first before consulting outside sources. These readings are required reading by all students in the course and the weekly discussion questions offer you the opportunity to display your comprehension of these readings.

2. Good engagement with your peers, but continue to work on expanding those posts using the tips provided during Week 1.

3. Be careful of making generalizations that are not supported by evidence and that are in fact inaccurate. A number of these generalizations can be found in your posts. For example, you note in one of your posts that “[b]lack people were poorer than the whites.” This could be true in some places at some times, but this was not necessarily true at all times, particularly in the earliest days of settlement when indentured servants, black and white, worked alongside each other and occupied similar a social/class status in society.


Week Three Learning Resources





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