Facilitator Guide Marking Guide

Facilitator Guide Marking Guide

Facilitator Guide Marking Guide
Facilitator Guide Marking Guide

BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development 1st edition version: 1

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd

Marking Guide

Assessment Task 1: Identify and establish

documentation standards

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Assessor’s Name Phone No.

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Assessment Date/s Time/s


Did the candidate:


Yes No

Submit written responses to the four questions in Appendix 2 of the

Assessment Task, including a short procedure (question 4)?

Submit assessment documentation in agreed format and within agreed


Performance indicators

Did the candidate:


Yes No

Question 1: Identify organizational requirements for information entry, storage, output,

and quality of document design and production?

Identify one requirement for information entry, for example:

● five allowable expense codes: food; transportation;

communication; training; other.

Facilitator Guide Marking Guide

BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development 1st edition version: 1

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd

Did the candidate:


Yes No

Identify two requirements for file naming and storage, for example (from

the Adept Owl Computer Use Policy and Procedures):

● For ease of operator identification, add your initials to the end of

each filename. For example, JulyConf-mq.docx (document about

July Conference-keyed in by Mary Quinlan).

● Do not store company data on your computer unless absolutely

necessary. Company data should be stored in the appropriate

server drive. Unlike the servers which are backed up

automatically, data on your own computer is not backed up and

your work may be lost if you experience a system crash.

● If you use a laptop and require access to files offsite, you will be

set up with offline files allowing remote access to server files

away from the office.

Identify two requirements for output or quality of document design and

production, for example (from KPIs and targets in Appendix 1 of the

assessment task):

● data entry error rate = 3%

● % documents conforming to style guide = 100%

● average time (per mail-out) to edit the letter being sent = 30


● average labour cost per edited page = $50 per page.

Identify two compliance requirements and explain how the existing

Adept Owl processes help ensure compliance with one piece of

legislation relevant to document production, for example:

● Privacy Act 1988: Privacy Procedures and document storage

procedures protect against unauthorised access to customer or

staff information.

Identify and explain one code of practice or standard for possible

improvement of processes:

 AS ISO 15489 – 2002 Records Management

 AS 3806-2006 Compliance programs

 Managing the work environment and facilities Code of Practice

Facilitator Guide Marking Guide

BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development 1st edition version: 1

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd

Did the candidate:


Yes No

Question 2: Evaluate organisation’s present and future information technology capability

in terms of its effect on document design and production?

Identify the skills gaps that exist currently within the administration

team, for example (from Administration team capability table):

● lack of sufficient Microsoft Word skills

● lack of sufficient Microsoft Excel skills.

State how the skills/capability gaps could be closed in keeping with

organisational practices, for example:

● training

● outsourcing of IT expertise.

State what future IT capability needs (both physical and human) the

organisation could have with respect to document design and

production within the next 2–5 years, for example:

● digital publishing software

● social media strategies for engaging customers and managing


● centralised document management

● communications technology expertise.

Identify at least one source of external advice or information used to

make this evaluation, for example:

● technology consultants

● business communications specialists

● business communication literature such as relevant books,

journal articles, online articles.

Identify what changes might be required to the Adept Owl style guide

and procedures to take account of anticipated technological changes,

for example:

● amendments of allowed software lists

● procedures for use of new software systems

● addition of procedures for social media communications

● addition of procedures for digital publishing and digital rights


● addition of style requirements, for example, for use on social

media platforms or use of new software.

Facilitator Guide Marking Guide

BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development 1st edition version: 1

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd

Did the candidate:


Yes No

Question 3: Identify types of documents used and required by the organisation?

Identify three types of documents used and required by the

organisation, for example:

● letters

● minutes

● memos

● expense forms.

Question 4: Develop a procedure to establish documentation standards and design

tasks for organisational documents in accordance with information, budget and

technology requirements?

Follow at least two general style requirements of the Adept Owl style

guide, for example:

● font families

● address formatting

● storage.

Adhere to information, budget and technology requirements outlined in

the scenario, for example:

● procedures meet information needs of organisation by facilitating

sharing of correct and consistently formatted addressee

information for mail-outs; by restricting data entry to allowable

expense codes

● mail merges or completion of expense forms procedures take no

longer than 5 minutes to complete, thus contributing to

achievement of time and cost performance metrics

● specify average time of 30 minutes to edit a letter

● procedures require only Microsoft Office software.

Facilitator Guide Marking Guide

BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development 1st edition version: 1

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd

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