

Shelly Cashman Excel 2019 | Module 3: End of Module Project 1
Seven Summits Group
Author: Todd Washington
Note: Do not edit this sheet. If your name does not appear in cell B6, please download a new copy of the file from the SAM website.


HardyFit Tools
Projected Orders Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Trend Total Unit Price Sales
C-clamps 312 406 569 492 663 2442 $ 7.34 $ 17,924.28
Hand planes 72 75 137 201 165 650 16.28
Socket sets 402 327 458 593 590 2370 25.88
Tool sets 626 503 607 638 2374 16.69
Wrench sets 0 25.24
Total orders 786 1434 1667 1893 2056 7836 $ 17,924.28
Average orders 262 359 417 473 514
Projected Inventory Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Trend Total
C-Clamps 325 410 600 500 700 2535
Drive sockets 410 330 460 600 600
Hammers 400 600 500 600 650
Hand planes 100 100 140 210 200
Hex wrenches 400 300 525 425 400
Ratchets 410 330 450 600 600
Screwdrivers 500 630 500 610 650
Socket wrenches 400 350 525 420 410
Total inventory 2945 3050 3700 3965 4210
Wrench sets 384 301 522 416 409

Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 262 358.5 416.75 473.25 514

Place Your Order Here!

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