Develop a marketing mix that will help Burger King to reduce the gap with McDonald’s and distance itself from other competition?

Develop a marketing mix that will help Burger King to reduce the gap with McDonald’s and distance itself from other competition?

Develop a marketing mix that will help Burger King to reduce the gap with McDonald's and distance itself from other competition?
Develop a marketing mix that will help Burger King to reduce the gap with McDonald’s and distance itself from other competition?

Q1) Evaluate Burger King’s current marketing mix in detail? While answering compare their marketing mix variables with Wendys and Mcdonald’s and other competitors. (Word limit: 200)

Q2) Develop a marketing mix that will help Burger King to reduce the gap with McDonald’s and distance itself from other competition? (Words limit: 200)

Q3) What percentage of Burger King’s resources would you allocate to the U.S. market and what percentage to international markets. Why? While answering this question, consider the marketing Mix you developed in answer 2. (Words limit: 200)

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