Describe the charges in relation to your understanding of self- defense in the State of Georgia.

Describe the charges in relation to your understanding of self- defense in the State of Georgia.

Describe the charges in relation to your understanding of self- defense in the State of Georgia. Weight: 25%

Does not describe the charges in relation to your understanding of self-defense in the State of Georgia.

Partially describes the charges in relation to your understanding of self-defense in the State of Georgia. Expanding the description of the charges and the use of self-defense in Georgia would improve this section.

Satisfactorily describes the charges in relation to your understanding of self- defense in the State of Georgia. The relationship between the charges and your understanding of self- defense is evident, but could use additional supporting details.

Thoroughly describes the charges in relation to your understanding of self- defense in the State of Georgia. The relationship between the charges and your understanding of self- defense is solid and well-supported.

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