Critical Thinking Questions
1. Identify current policies in effect in the criminal justice system today that would be important to conduct research on. What theo- ries or assumptions seem to underlie these policies and why they were put in place?
2. How much weight should scientists give to a theory’s popularity? How is it even possible that theories without any concrete evi- dence can be popular?
3. If you were to construct a theory of crime, what elements or factors do you think would be important to your theory and why?
4. Should a theory of crime be able to explain all types of crime or criminals? Why or why not?
Practice Essay Questions
1. What is the relationship between theory, research, and policy and how has that relationship been misused in the past?
2. What are the qualities of a good theory?
3. Explain why a popular theory may not always be the best. Use examples to illustrate your points.
4. What are the various ways that we can classify theories and why is it important to do so?
12 Chapter 1 • Introduction
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The Classical School
Learning Objectives
Objective 2.1: Outline the factors that contributed to the rise of classical thought.
Objective 2.2: Explain the contributions to criminology made by Jeremy Bentham.
Objective 2.3: Discuss the writing of Cesare Beccaria and its impact.
Objective 2.4: Summarize what is meant by the social contract.