CRCJ 4310-002: Critical Thinking Paper – 15 points

Due Wed Nov. 21st by midnight on Canvas
Each student is required to submit a critical thinking paper based on the course materials that will be worth 15 points (15% of your overall grade). This paper is intended to challenge you to delve deeper into some of the issues addressed in the course, and thus will involve both seeking out new information and exploring your own reactions to specific topics. Papers must be submitted on Canvas no later than midnight on Wed, November 21st. A failure to meet this deadline without a documented excuse will result in a grade reduction of 2 points per day.
I have given you 8 options to choose from, and you only need to pick 1 to write about (so that you can pick a topic that most interests you out of the 8). Make sure you address all the questions asked in the option you select in order to receive full points. In other words, if you pick option 2 on capital punishment- you do not need to worry about the other 7 options- just focus on all the questions asked under option 2 and answer all parts of each question. Your paper should be at least 3 pages long, and no longer than 6. You must follow the formatting guidelines listed below, or points will be deducted for not following instructions (worth up to 3 points)
Format for paper: All papers should adhere to a consistent format, which is described below.
· Length: at least 3 full pages, and no more than 6 pages
· Typed with 12-point font, Times New Roman, double-spaced (NO extra spacing before/after paragraphs)
· Do NOT use a title page, just put your name, class, and paper option you are doing at the top of first page and then begin your paper (just like I did above)
· Use 1 inch page margins on all sides (Top, Bottom, Left Side and Right Side)
· Submit paper on Canvas (do not e-mail it to me) so TurnItIn can be used to check for plagiarism. It will show you your similarity report as soon as you turn it in and you can submit up to 3 times (if your first submission has a high similarity percent you should probably tweak some things and makes sure you aren’t plagiarizing – then resubmit it).
· You must upload this paper to Canvas using a WORD document (.doc or .docx file- not a PDF, .text, some other type of file)
· Your Bibliography (or Referenecs) should follow standard APA format and list all citations used in the paper.
· References note : You do not have to use other sources besides the book, but it does substantially strengthen your critical analysis if you use an academic source to back up whatever stance you take in your paper. If you use outside sources, make sure you site them properly- I will be checking for plagiarism and do not want any of you to fail this assignment because you did not cite a source. If you have questions, use the writing center- it’s free!
· DO not use or cite Wikipedia !
Note : Writing skills are critical to career success in the criminal justice field. To be successful, students must become proficient at discerning relevant information, analyzing it and then presenting it accurately, concisely and persuasively. In grading student papers I will be looking at those dimensions. Excellent grammar and prose that lacks good analysis will earn a lower grade. Likewise, impressive analysis that is poorly expressed will earn a lower grade.
For a variety of good reasons, some students may have difficulty writing. Students are responsible for mastery of the English language at the upper class level. A challenge for every professional is to know their weaknesses and to develop strategies to overcome them. Seeking assistance is a sign of maturity, not weakness. Students who would benefit from assistance should check out the FAU Center for Excellence in Writing (GS 215)
Grading rubric
Possible Points | Earned Points |
Followed Formatting Instructions (3) | |
Critical Thinking Assessment (9) | |
Organization of paper (1) | |
Grammar & Spelling (2) | |
Grading Scale: Total Points = 15 |