Crime and Criminal Behavior

Crime and Criminal Behavior

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Smooth Town Daily Monday, March 12, 2016 Blackboard support 1-877-642-2999

Major Crimes Down in Smooth Town By Tamara Justice, Smooth Town Daily reporter

February 6, 2016

Smooth Town, GA. — Major crime in Smooth Town is

at its lowest in at least five years, according to

preliminary statistics from the Smooth Town Police

Department. The drop stems from a decline in

property-related crimes to 260 last year, well below

the five-year average of 225, data shows. There were

120 crimes against people in 2012, just slightly above

the five-year norm. “Compared to other communities

our size, we have a very low crime rate and we’re very

proud of that and we want to continue that,” said

Police Chief Wesson. Police Chief Wesson further

stated “hopefully it will be smooth sailing for the rest

of the year.”

What are Part I and Part II Index Crimes

By Tamara Justice, Smooth Town Daily reporter

February 6, 2016

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