In the final assignment, the student will conduct a Community Health Needs Assessment to identify an emerging health issue and evaluate key demographics within their selected Community

Community Health Needs Assessment
Community Health Needs Assessment

In the final assignment, the student will conduct a Community Health Needs Assessment to identify an emerging health issue and evaluate key demographics within their selected Community. The comprehensive assignment will enable the student to develop a finalized Community Health Improvement Plan that strategically designs a program to improve the health of the chosen Community and address the social determinants of health and health disparities and inequities and social/environmental justice. The paper should contain contents from the following areas:


· Topic for Program


· Studied population and Community Location


· Mission Statement, Goals, and Objectives


· Theory and Models


· Community needs assessment – content only. (Do not include the survey)


· Social determinants of health, health disparities and inequities, and social/environmental justices


· Multi-strategy Intervention for your Program


· Identify Community Agencies to Partner with for your Program, Describe Resources for your Program and Develop a Budget and Budget Justification


· Implementation of Your Program, Timeline, and Activities


· Program Evaluation Methods and Action Plan


Community Health Needs Assessment
Community Health Needs Assessment


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