In the final assignment, the student will conduct a Community Health Needs Assessment to identify an emerging health issue and evaluate key demographics within their selected Community. The comprehensive assignment will enable the student to develop a finalized Community Health Improvement Plan that strategically designs a program to improve the health of the chosen Community and address the social determinants of health and health disparities and inequities and social/environmental justice. The paper should contain contents from the following areas:
· Topic for Program
· Studied population and Community Location
· Mission Statement, Goals, and Objectives
· Theory and Models
· Community needs assessment – content only. (Do not include the survey)
· Social determinants of health, health disparities and inequities, and social/environmental justices
· Multi-strategy Intervention for your Program
· Identify Community Agencies to Partner with for your Program, Describe Resources for your Program and Develop a Budget and Budget Justification
· Implementation of Your Program, Timeline, and Activities
· Program Evaluation Methods and Action Plan