
What Is an Institution?

What Is an Institution? The term institution refers to a large-scale and established set of laws, customs, practices, and organizations that govern the political or social life of a people. Institutions make and enforce a society’s rules and norms. Examples of institutions include marriage and family, religion, schooling, military, prisons, government, law, mass media, and

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Identify an aspect of privilege that makes you uncomfortable to think

Identify an aspect of privilege that makes you uncomfortable to think 145 about. Write a short letter to yourself explaining why you are uncomfortable thinking about this privilege. 2. a. Review the Disability Bingo card (Figure 6.2). Working with other members of a minoritized group that you belong to, create a bingo card of the

Identify an aspect of privilege that makes you uncomfortable to think Read More »

Disability Bingo

Disability Bingo We hear so many annoying and unpleasant things as physically disabled people. Wouldn’t to be nice if we could leap to our feet (or fall out of our chairs) and yell: ‘BINGO!’ This body of literature is so vast and rich, we decided to divide it into categories for easy reference: Source: haddayr.livejournal.com/604179.html

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Privilege has the following invisible internal and attitudinal effects:

Privilege has the following invisible internal and attitudinal effects: The belief that your group has the right to its position The internalization of messages of your group’s superiority The lack of humility that results from your limited knowledge of the minoritized group The invisibility of your privilege to you Many educators use Peggy McIntosh’s (1989)

Privilege has the following invisible internal and attitudinal effects: Read More »