
Peer answers

Topic Q4 DQ 2 Peer answers Answer to Two colleagues offering one or more additional interaction strategies in support of the examples/observations shared or by offering further insight to the thoughts shared about the future of these interactions. APA Format min 3 resources Place Your Order Here!

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What other screening tools would you suggest for this case?

What other screening tools would you suggest for this case? Questions: 1. Do you agree with the differential diagnoses of the patient? Why or why not 2. What other screening tools would you suggest for this case? 3. What other pharmacologic or non-pharmacologic intervention would you recommend for this patient? References Ahmed, S., Bachu, R.,

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Health promotion:

  Health promotion: Patient education is an empowerment tool for improving patient health. Patient should be educated on behavior modification. He should be advised to reduce the intake of ethyl alcohol consumption and eat well balanced diet. Psychoeducation should also be provided on the diagnosis, the risks and benefits of the treatment plan, targeted symptoms

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Non-pharmacological Intervention

Non-pharmacological Intervention: referal to therapy; the first-line treatment of anxiety disorders is cognitive-behavioral therapy. Multiple research demonstrates the efficacy and effectiveness of CBT in the treatment of anxiety disorders, including PTSD, OCD, panic disorder, GAD, and social anxiety disorder. Nevertheless, combined therapy of CBT and medications presents stronger evidence of effectiveness. The patient should be

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Major depressive disorder, recurrent, severe w/ psych

Major depressive disorder, recurrent, severe w/ psych SX [F33.3]: The causes of M.D. with psychotic features is usually unknown; however, a family history of depression or a psychotic disorder can increase the vulnerability of developing the disorder. Patient’s sister has a history of hallucination. Depressive disorders can occur with psychosis or without; thus, psychosis is

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Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized Anxiety Disorder ( F41.1); GAD is an anxiety disorder characterized by excessive, uncontrollable, and irrational worry that interferes with the normal functioning of the individual. Although some literature considers panic attacks as the hallmark of anxiety disorders, in GAD generally, there are no associated panic attacks. The DSM-5 for diagnosing GAD considers factors like

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Differential Diagnoses:

Differential Diagnoses: 1. Panic disorder [Episodic Paroxysmal Anxiety] [F41.0]: Panic disorder is a type of anxiety disorder characterized by sudden panic attacks or fear. This comes as a response to a stressful event. The DSM-5 criteria for diagnosis of the panic disorder require the occurrence of frequent panic attacks whereby one or more of the

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Mental Status Examination

Mental Status Examination: S.A is 54-year-old male, well-oriented to person, place, time, and situation. He is appropriately groomed and clean and appears his stated age. He has a coherent speech with normal rate, volume, and articulation. He maintained good eye contact during the interview and responded to questions appropriately. He has a logical thought process,

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Review of Systems (ROS):

Review of Systems (ROS): GENERAL: Denies any fever or chills. Reports eating excessively and recent weight gain of 20 lbs. HEENT: Denies any complaint of headache, no sore throat or difficulty swalowing SKIN: No lesions or open wound CARDIOVASCULAR: no chest pain or chest discomfort RESPIRATORY: No difficulty breathing or shortness of breath GASTROINTESTINAL: No

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