
The differences and similarities between Managed Care Organizations (MCO) and Accountable Care Organizations (ACO) will be explained below.

Student Sumetria The differences and similarities between Managed Care Organizations (MCO) and Accountable Care Organizations (ACO) will be explained below. The MCO is a group of medical providers and facilities that provide care to its members at a reduced cost. Many MCO’s require the patient to have a primary care provider. The ACO is a

The differences and similarities between Managed Care Organizations (MCO) and Accountable Care Organizations (ACO) will be explained below. Read More »

How would the results be used to make a diagnosis?

How would the results be used to make a diagnosis? Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider the insights they provide related to ears, nose, and throat. Review the Shadow Health Resources provided in this week’s Learning Resources specifically the tutorial to guide you through the documentation and interpretation within the Shadow Health platform. Review

How would the results be used to make a diagnosis? Read More »

Musculoskeletal Results | Turned In Advanced Physical Assessment – March 2020, advanced_physical_assessment__td8__031720__sect1

Musculoskeletal Results | Turned In Advanced Physical Assessment – March 2020, advanced_physical_assessment__td8__031720__sect1 Return to Assignment (/assignments/313477/) Transcript Started: Apr 15, 2020 | Total Time: 79 min Question 04/15/20 4:42 PM MD Question 04/15/20 4:42 PM MD Question 04/15/20 4:42 PM MD Question 04/15/20 4:43 PM MD Question 04/15/20 4:44 PM MD Question 04/15/20 4:44 PM

Musculoskeletal Results | Turned In Advanced Physical Assessment – March 2020, advanced_physical_assessment__td8__031720__sect1 Read More »

Lower Back Pain Low back muscle strain related to lifting

Lower Back Pain Low back muscle strain related to lifting Plan Refer to physical therapy Review body mechanics Advil prn as needed, Discuss exercise and weight bearing exercises Return to clinic if symptoms worsen Provide Ms. Jones with materials detailing stretching techniques the lower back. • Initiate treatment with ibuprofen 600 mg by mo every

Lower Back Pain Low back muscle strain related to lifting Read More »

Subjective Data Collection

Subjective Data Collection Objective Data Collection Education & Empathy Documentation Document: Provider Notes   Student Documentation Model Documentation Objective HENT: WNL No abnormalities found Upper extremiteis: WNL: no abnormality found: ROM: wnl Spine: reduced ROM for extension and flexion and lateral bending Hips: ROM wnl Lower extremity: Root foot with scar: healed well . Strength

Subjective Data Collection Read More »

Musculoskeletal Results | Turned In Advanced Physical Assessment – March 2020, advanced_physical_assessment__td8__031720__sect1

Musculoskeletal Results | Turned In Advanced Physical Assessment – March 2020, advanced_physical_assessment__td8__031720__sect1 Return to Assignment (/assignments/313477/) Documentation / Electronic Health Record Document: Provider Notes Student Documentation Model Documentation Subjective This is a 28 yo pleasant african american female. She is the primary source of history and offers information freely. she speaks clearly and coherent and

Musculoskeletal Results | Turned In Advanced Physical Assessment – March 2020, advanced_physical_assessment__td8__031720__sect1 Read More »

Objective:Student Documentation Model Documentation

Objective:Student Documentation Model Documentation   Oriented to person, place and time. Judgement and knowledge intact: Memory intact. no slurred speech Head: symmetrical no lesions, no trauma Weber test intact, rinne test intact, facial sensation intact, gag reflex intact Eyes: Blurry vision with prolong reading: Right eye vision 20/40: retina: with glacoma cupping. Left eye vision

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Transcript:Student Documentation Model Documentation

Transcript:Student Documentation Model Documentation Subjective Data Collection Objective Data Collection Education & Empathy Documentation Document: Vitals Document: Provider Notes   Student Documentation Model Documentation Assessment Differential diagnosis: 1. flu-like syndrome or cold 2. strep throat 3. Allergies 4. Allergic rhinitis My differentials include cold, strep throat, rhinitis, allergies and asthma based on abnormal findings affecting

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Your Results Lab Pass

Your Results Lab Pass Objective Daniel appears slightly tired, and has been coughing throughout the exam Vital signs stable Spirometer: FEV1: 3.15L FVC 3.91L/ 80.5% Head: Cervical lymph nodes enlarged and tender on right side; Sinus: no tenderness on frontal or maxillary eyes: pink in color, no discharge Ears: right ear redness and inflammed: no

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