
Identify and discuss the factors that contribute to heritage consistency

Identify and discuss the factors that contribute to heritage consistency :Cultural Foundations Unit I creates the foundation for this book and enables you to become aware of the importance of developing knowledge in the topics of (1) cultural and linguistic competency; (2) cultural heritage and history—both your own and those of other people; (3) diversity—demographic, immigration,

Identify and discuss the factors that contribute to heritage consistency Read More »

the balance of the person, both within one’s being

the balance of the person, both within one’s being My metaphors are HEALTH, defined as “the balance of the person, both within one’s being—physical, mental, and spiritual—and in the outside world— natural, communal, and metaphysical”; ILLNESS, “the imbalance of the person, both within one’s being—physical, mental, and spiritual—and in the outside world—natural, communal, and metaphysical”;

the balance of the person, both within one’s being Read More »


HEALTH DOMAINS 85 Chapter 5 HEALTH Traditions 89 HEALTH and ILLNESS 91 HEALTH Traditions Model 92 HEALTH Protection 95 Health/HEALTH Care Choices 102 vii viii ■ Contents Folk Medicine 104 Health/HEALTH Care Philosophies 108 Chapter 6 HEALING Traditions 120 HEALING 121 Ancient Forms of HEALING 123 Religion and HEALING 124 HEALING and Today’s Beliefs 136



UNIT I CULTURAL FOUNDATIONS 1 Chapter 1 Building Cultural and Linguistic Competence 3 National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health Care 8 Cultural Competence 11 Linguistic Competence 11 Institutional Mandates 12 CULTURALCARE 13 Chapter 2 Cultural Heritage and History 19 Heritage Consistency 20 Acculturation Themes 29 Ethnocultural Life Trajectories 32 Commingling Variables


Production Manager

Production Manager: Tom Benfatti Creative Director: Jayne Conte Cover Designer: Bruce Kenselaar Composition: PreMediaGlobal Printer/Binder: RR Donnelley & Sons Cover Printer: RR Donnelley & Sons Notice: Care has been taken to confirm the accuracy of information presented in this book. The author, editors, and the publisher, however, cannot accept any responsibility for errors or omissions

Production Manager Read More »

Concept Notebook

Name: Concept: Course: Activity: Faculty Facilitator: Date & Time of ELA in MST: Concept Notebook   Please fill in all of the information above. All Concept Notebooks must be completed in your own words. Please do not use any direct quotes. Any time you use a source to help write your narratives or collect information,

Concept Notebook Read More »