
Victims might lose shootouts against better armed, more ruthless opponents

Victims might lose shootouts against better armed, more ruthless opponents In gun battles with armed offenders, victims probably lose more often than they win, skeptics believe. In some confrontations, attackers may wrest the gun away and shoot victims with their own weapons—this even happens to well-trained, physically fit police officers. In many other con- frontations, […]

Victims might lose shootouts against better armed, more ruthless opponents Read More »

People who own guns for protection might turn their weapons on themselves

People who own guns for protection might turn their weapons on themselves Impulsive suicides in moments of despair are disturbingly common. Suicides by gunfire outnum- ber gun murders each year (Miller and Hemenway, 2008). In 2011, just about 20,000 people ended their lives with firearms. Murderers dispatched about 11,000 individuals using bullets that year (CDC,

People who own guns for protection might turn their weapons on themselves Read More »

Introducing a gun into a conflict is likely to lead to an escalation of hostilities

Introducing a gun into a conflict is likely to lead to an escalation of hostilities Critics believe that carrying around a deadly weapon increases the likelihood that a minor argu- ment will turn into a life-threatening showdown. The chances of a needless tragedy breaking out are heightened when gun owners are tired, fright- ened, intoxicated,

Introducing a gun into a conflict is likely to lead to an escalation of hostilities Read More »

Very few victims draw a weapon in their own defense when under attack.

Very few victims draw a weapon in their own defense when under attack. One of the most controversial aspects of using a gun as a means of protection concerns how often it actually happens. How many persons under attack draw their own weapons and fight back? Advocates of guns for self-protection routinely circulate claims that

Very few victims draw a weapon in their own defense when under attack. Read More »

There are far too many guns in circulation already. Fur- ther production and purchases by fearful people should be discouraged and restricted in order to improve public safety.

There are far too many guns in circulation already. Fur- ther production and purchases by fearful people should be discouraged and restricted in order to improve public safety. Estimates differ over how many guns are in the hands of private citizens (excluding members of the armed forces and law enforcement agencies) and how many people

There are far too many guns in circulation already. Fur- ther production and purchases by fearful people should be discouraged and restricted in order to improve public safety. Read More »

Arguments Advanced by Proponents of Arming for Self-Protection

Arguments Advanced by Proponents of Arming for Self-Protection 1) Reaching for a gun can save a victim’s life Gun ownership advocates consider keeping a firearm at home or at work (especially in stores) as well as routinely carrying around a legally registered concealed handgun to be a rational and reasonable means of protecting an individual

Arguments Advanced by Proponents of Arming for Self-Protection Read More »

What Armed Citizens Under Attack Must Consider Before Pulling the Trigger

What Armed Citizens Under Attack Must Consider Before Pulling the Trigger Some issues that armed citizens who find themselves under attack must grapple with before they open fire were raised in a book review in the official publication of the National Rifle Association: 1) Be reasonable In all states, a claim of self-defense in the

What Armed Citizens Under Attack Must Consider Before Pulling the Trigger Read More »