
Blaming Her for His Violent Outbursts

Blaming Her for His Violent Outbursts The battered women’s self-help movement initially encountered resistance and opposition because of the widespread acceptance of victim-blaming argu- ments that portrayed beaten wives unsympathetically. Many people, including some counselors and family therapists, believed that a high proportion of beatings were unconsciously precipitated or even intentionally provoked. The wives who […]

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VIOLENCE WITHIN ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS AND FAMILIES Domestic violence affects every American. It harms our communities, weakens the foundation of our nation, and hurts those we love most. It is an affront to our basic decency and humanity, and it must end…we acknowledge the progress made in reducing these shameful crimes…and recognize that more work remains


Devising Child-Friendly Practices

Devising Child-Friendly Practices Besides credibility, another special problem requires a special solution: Testifying in legal proceedings can add to the suffering of victimized children. To avoid further traumatizing these youngsters, the idea of developing a child-friendly courtroom setting and protocol quickly caught on (see Libai, 1969). The right to a public trial always has protected

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Strange Allegations of Child Sexual Abuse During Rituals

Strange Allegations of Child Sexual Abuse During Rituals A deputy sheriff is arrested and charged with sexually abusing his two daughters, now 18 and 22. Soon the charges emanating from the devoutly religious 22-year-old (who has a history of making unsubstantiated complaints about sexual abuse) grow to alarming proportions: she claims to have attended 850

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More Controversies Surrounding Childhood Sexual Abuse

More Controversies Surrounding Childhood Sexual Abuse Intense controversies have broken out over the real extent of sexual abuse during childhood. One area of contention surrounds charges of parent–child incest, especially allegations of father–daughter (and stepfather–daughter) sexual contacts. These accusa- tions usually arise during divorce proceedings or shortly afterward. In addition, molestation charges sometimes are leveled

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